Alder around here is one of the worst species that will chair out when they lean ,I nip all those in the sides .
These has about a 30 degree lean and went over slow ,the side cuts look like a triangle to the face ,then go in with a reg back cut ,i could have chased these more and got less pull ,but the logs may have cracked when hit the ground going faster .
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Here is some of Brian's triangle work for interst. Nicely done and you don't need anymore. People, this is on an Alder tree that grows 3ft a season in its first 20 years. They have very wide grow rings.
It lives in a rain forest and they are firecrackers, widow makers, they call them. As the tree grows the outer part becomes the inside (the heart wood)
The Hart wood is the hardest and is brittle, generally in most species.
This being the principal; the sapwood is the strongest wood and WILL cause the barberchairing. If it workes on species such as Alder that grow so fast with a wide grow ring heart...then it will work.
So the heart on some of these fast growing species are wide grained and still young but it still works.
Now I got that BS out of the way;
Let's cretique Brian's work.
Looks awesome! My only concern as a guy that fells that species from time to time is, I'm wondering if you are not free handing the backcut? and not putting your dogs in the corner of mouth? (high side) Or maybe your are just not that sharp? Anyway I don't want to pick on your mental capacity. .j/k we are even.
Brother! From a home boy to a home boy across the border.Awsome stuff (pro tip time bro) position yourself, high side between the back and the mouth of the undercut. Reach back and stick your dogs in high side mouth, cut half your triangle. Swap hands and dog in the triangle point ..(middle of the back) and finish your triangle. and set your dogs at the "finish position" corner of mouth (always high side) and pull evenly.
Lay that chit out takes a few seconds.
You can cut the back side blind. Feet don't move.
That one's for your Birthday ..well we all have B- days?
I am never worried about
getting hurt but I do take it personally when it splits 5 ft up and they want multiples of 8s and 10s
You know what I'm talking about.
It's not a race between it barberchairing up its a race between a split. Running a fine line.
95% of falling on the west coast, I ring the sapwood, just in case there is something you don't know about
*EDIT I fix half my Dam I need a nap