my roomate runns a 440 and a 441 all day long building log homes. he hates the 441 and says the 440 is ten times the saw. the 441 is way harder to clean and when carvign logs your always cleaning out the saw. he runs these saws at constant WOT untill the gas runs out then fuels up and runs them again at WOT all day long. those saws get so hot you cant touch the plastic around the breake and muffler. the 440 is 6 years old and the 441 is 1 year old and you can feel the 440 has much better compression. it just seems that the 441 is not ergonomic or practical at all in comparison to the 440.
he is in the market for a new saw and is deffinatly going to go for the 372xp after using my 365 and 371.
I would really like to try out a 372. For the price they sound like a great deal. If my local dealers would have had one in stock, I might have bought that instead. Putting the two side beside and running them like Thall has would be a fun comparison.