Best 2 Stroke Oil?

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I tend to not ascribe to 'Elixirs as a rule other than Power Service products, especially Bio-Kleen simply because Bio-Kleen carries an MSDS label on the bottle. None of the other so called Elixirs do so in my view they are nothing but a way to relieve consumers of their hard earned money, I don't worry about Cetane numbers either, actually. My farm tractors will consume ULSD Red (off road diesel) just fine.

I always cringe when I have to fill my 500 gallon bulk tank, but fuel for me is a farm expense that I can defer as an operating expense anyway,

Far as motor fuel for my buggy and my wife's Suburban, we never get too concerned about that cost anyway as we can afford it, even if it was 5 bucks a gallon and it may well be in the future, or even more, depending on if the current placeholder in the Whitehouse gets another term. I hope not but stranger things have happened in the past.

We aren't 'up against it' and never have been, despite what I read and we pay our credit card debt in full, every month as well. I'm not about to pay a 25% plus finance charge on any credit card. Never have, never will. My credit score reflects that as well. I sit right around 815 constantly.
That would put my off road diesel at about a buck a gallon as I don't pay road tax on it here in Michigan. Farm diesel is road use tax exempt. I don't see that happening unless we get a change in administration. With the current administration the cost will keep going up along with everything else.

The less the inputs cost, the better my profit margin is and I am in business (farming) to make money. Same applies to my short run machine and fabrication shop. My issue with the shop is, everything I do is by competitive bid and mostly automotive and the auto makers want everything as cheap as possible so they can make maximum profit and of course they are always slow pay as well.
Wow, 396 comments about lube oil for chainsaws, something I don't get my panties in a wad over anymore, well since I switched to Echo Red Armor canned fuel anyway.

As an aside, I run Shell Rotella 5-40 T6 in all my gas and diesel powered engines along with Nano-Borate additive and Power Service Silver label winter additive when it's cold here and a shot of PS Bio-Kleen algaecide as well. For the last 10 years at least with no issue and I depend on my diesel farm tractors as I farm.
30 dollars a gallon you must be rich to afford echo red armor canned fuel
Gas got well over $5/gallon here for awhile. Diesel was nearly $7/gal. Didn't impact what I did any, but I know a lot of people who were already on the edge financially were hurting badly. Think I need to wear my "MAKE DIESEL $1.59 AGAIN" shirt.
I remember the first time filling my truck when the price on the pump rolled to $1,000.
True. But the point I am making is that someone can be smart and yet be incompetent. But no way can a stupid person get through engineering school.
I have met many very smart people in college without any common sense or ability outside of book learning. Put up some physic equation on the board and they could roll right through it then drive to the mechanic to get a headlight bulb changed. The military is one of the few places I've seen book smart and competence in one place
I remember the first time filling my truck when the price on the pump rolled to $1,000.

An astonishing number of people don't realize how much raising diesel prices raise the price of EVERYTHING.

"I drive a gas car, I don't care about diesel prices." Just how do you think the gasoline got to the station?

How do you think your stick of deodorant gets to the store? How do you think the farmer farmed your food? They don't use oxen to pull plows anymore. Trains run on diesel. When in port, huge ships burn diesel instead of bunker C, and the truck that carries your product from the ship to you burns diesel. The entire world runs on diesel.

Hell, even space rockets use RP1 for fuel - a very refined kerosene, not too far off from diesel.
I have met many very smart people in college without any common sense or ability outside of book learning. Put up some physic equation on the board and they could roll right through it then drive to the mechanic to get a headlight bulb changed. The military is one of the few places I've seen book smart and competence in one place
I've had lots of factory training on diesel engines, one of my best teachers/technical directors was Dave Vicarry he worked for G&R caterpillar. Was our Perkins guy. He was a navy mechanic, can't remember his class. He was in charge of the generators on the ship he was stationed on. Super smart guy, and he knew how to turn a wrench. He kept a jumpsuit in his truck and would jump right into a machine with you. Solved a lot of problems with that guy and his training was outstanding. One of the best electrical diagnostic classes I've ever had was taught by him.
An astonishing number of people don't realize how much raising diesel prices raise the price of EVERYTHING.

"I drive a gas car, I don't care about diesel prices." Just how do you think the gasoline got to the station?

How do you think your stick of deodorant gets to the store? How do you think the farmer farmed your food? They don't use oxen to pull plows anymore. Trains run on diesel. When in port, huge ships burn diesel instead of bunker C, and the truck that carries your product from the ship to you burns diesel. The entire world runs on diesel.

Hell, even space rockets use RP1 for fuel - a very refined kerosene, not too far off from diesel.
Yes Sir !! the price of diesel fuel plays a major role in everyday life !! i agrree 100 % with You , From Farmers to the the Trucking industry, it hits us all in the back pocket.
I got this from Amsoil, regarding their JASO testing:

"AMSOIL does have its own in-house mechanical testing laboratory for verifying our oil's performance in actual engines and allows us to do product development in-house. In addition to this in-house testing, AMSOIL also uses independent third-party engine testing performed in accordance to JASO standards, and utilizing the specific engines needed to perform these tests. The third-party testing also allows the results to be unbiased."
I got this from Amsoil, regarding their JASO testing:

"AMSOIL does have its own in-house mechanical testing laboratory for verifying our oil's performance in actual engines and allows us to do product development in-house. In addition to this in-house testing, AMSOIL also uses independent third-party engine testing performed in accordance to JASO standards, and utilizing the specific engines needed to perform these tests. The third-party testing also allows the results to be unbiased."
Specifics about the testing would be useful.
My tdi is pretty consistent 47+ mpg. No head gasket issues like prius are known for and no huge repair bills when something conks out....
My business partner also has a Prius, with 280,000 miles on it. No major repairs. They can be worked on by most mechanics. The most expensive repair is battery replacement. That is going for about $1000 these days.
And if they are testing string trimmers at 100 to 1 that is hardly is equal to a chain saw. So something like that is BS!
My understanding is that specific engines must be used for JASO testing. I don't know what they are.
My business partner also has a Prius, with 280,000 miles on it. No major repairs. They can be worked on by most mechanics. The most expensive repair is battery replacement. That is going for about $1000 these days.
Last I checked a remanufactuered gen 2 and 3 prius battery was $1200.00 without the core exchange from toyota. ~6 ish hours to change it $190.00 shop rate pushes it close to $2k before core charge. Generation 4 will set you back over $1600.00 for an aftermarket battery, + $750.00 core charge. From experience with my sister in laws 2017 prius, she didn't get the core charge back. ~190k mile pos. Cant imagine what a lithium battery pack is going to cost for 5th generation. She ended up trading it in on a new escape eco-boost. Lost her arse on it. Only saving grace was it got "good" milage.
Got close to 300k on the tdi, gets good milage and out side of regular maintenance from myself and the previous owner it's taken an $300.00 alternator and a $700.00 clutch.
Prius head gasket issues are very well documented too. Usually zero indication of overheating, no check engine light etc. The best part is Toyota knows it's an issue and hasn't done anything to resolve it. Sorry not interested in buying a ticking time bomb that give no warning of if and when it's going to poop the bed.
Last I checked a remanufactuered gen 2 and 3 prius battery was $1200.00 without the core exchange from toyota. ~6 ish hours to change it $190.00 shop rate pushes it close to $2k before core charge. Generation 4 will set you back over $1600.00 for an aftermarket battery, + $750.00 core charge. From experience with my sister in laws 2017 prius, she didn't get the core charge back. ~190k mile pos. Cant imagine what a lithium battery pack is going to cost for 5th generation. She ended up trading it in on a new escape eco-boost. Lost her arse on it. Only saving grace was it got "good" milage.
Got close to 300k on the tdi, gets good milage and out side of regular maintenance from myself and the previous owner it's taken an $300.00 alternator and a $700.00 clutch.
Prius head gasket issues are very well documented too. Usually zero indication of overheating, no check engine light etc. The best part is Toyota knows it's an issue and hasn't done anything to resolve it. Sorry not interested in buying a ticking time bomb that give no warning of if and when it's going to poop the bed.
Both my son and my business partner bought theirs with over 200K miles on them, so maybe some repairs had been done previously. But their experience has been very good so far. I don't know why any manufacturer still has problems with head gaskets. You would think they would have that figured out by now. Subaru had that problem until about 2018. The Ford 6.0 liter diesel was notorious for having that problem, and I was an unfortunate former owner. Some years of Saturns had that problem, too, though we had one go 290,000 miles without that problem. We got rid of it when the timing chain broke. We figured it probably bent valves and the repairs would have cost more than the vehicle was worth. My local mechanic charges $85/hour and he is quite competent, so we are lucky we live in a rural area with cheap mechanic rates.
Both my son and my business partner bought theirs with over 200K miles on them, so maybe some repairs had been done previously. But their experience has been very good so far. I don't know why any manufacturer still has problems with head gaskets. You would think they would have that figured out by now. Subaru had that problem until about 2018. The Ford 6.0 liter diesel was notorious for having that problem, and I was an unfortunate former owner. Some years of Saturns had that problem, too, though we had one go 290,000 miles without that problem. We got rid of it when the timing chain broke. We figured it probably bent valves and the repairs would have cost more than the vehicle was worth. My local mechanic charges $85/hour and he is quite competent, so we are lucky we live in a rural area with cheap mechanic rates.
$150hr for transmission shop here. Seems a little crazy to me.