Guido Salvage
Supreme Saw Whoreder
The point of my story is, I did have some extra time that day I looked at the trees to lay some wood on the ground, and lay claim to it first; but I had no saw with me(all my saws were at home-1 hour away).
Noble thought, but if you bucked it up with the intention of coming back later there is a strong probability it would be gone by the time you returned. In a situation like that, only limb, cut and split what you can take with you then.
in the event someone does break-in my truck box, my insurance company will cover me( I already called them about it last week about it, as long as I have receipts and pictures, my family has been dealing with this same company more years than I am old and they are great.
I will guarantee you that there is a deductible on your policy and there will not be first dollar coverage on your items that may be stolen. Relying on a policy that may not cover your loss is poor insurance against loss.