bestest 40cc saw

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bestest 40cc saw = sharpestest kept .325 chain


Any of these small saws with the sharpest chains wins, there's not much between them. I'm not especially surprised that the husky 340 hasnt even managed a mention. It's one of the most underrated saws out there. They sell new for about what some of the other saws sell for used, and used you can get them for under a C note in good nick.

I've had a lot of trigger time on these saws as a ground saw for full time tree work. They are robust saws - you easily get 18 months-2 years out of them, which is about what you get out of any top of the range pro saw in full time tree work. Extremely light, revvy, very nice handling and shares a lot of the same features as a 346 for a fraction of the cost.

I'm strictly a stihl man, but I'm happy to run one of these all day long.

I've never run a saw that small, but I'm thinking a good one would be..well..good for many small jobs.

............then you probably won't enjoy running a 2.5 to 3.0 hp saw like these at first.

...............................they can be used for larger jobs of course, but they do not have the guts, to pull through any cuts which put side load "pinching" on the bar/chain (for lack of a better description). with a small saw, in bigger downed or leaning wood, cuts need to be more precise to lessen the "pinching", that you never were even able to feel will a larger saw.

with that said, a wedge will now become your friend. the little saw might surprise you.

Husq 340e w/18" rsn bar 0.325 7 tooth has cut through some big wood with lots of patience, likely not the best 40cc out there, but can say it serves me very well over the years.
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I'm very impressed with the Redmax GZ4000, and I normally don't get excited about sub-50cc saws. But if you can't get parts where you are, then I guess you order online.

From what I was told the GZ400 is a copy of the GZ4000, but it is produced in China, and the list price is about $100 less.

Also on the GZ4000 you are limited to using 91 chain because there is no OEM or aftermarket clutch drum/rim (that I have found) to switch to 325 chain.
It's the quality of the Brands that come and go. The STIHL Brand has maintained their quality throughout the span of its existance. Therefore people trust they're getting a reliable tool in the STIHL Brand. I'd quickly recommend this lil Poulan, but they don't make 'em like this anymore.
OK, I've narrowed it down to Dolmar ps420 or Redmax gz4000/4500. I haven't priced the Redmax's yet, but I believe they are in the ballpark with the Dolmar.


I know I've just about worn this out, but please bear with me. I've almost decided...

Thanks alot you's guys
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OK, I've narrowed it down to Dolmar ps420 or Redmax gz4000/4500. I haven't priced the Redmax's yet, but I believe they are in the ballpark with the Dolmar.


I know I've just about worn this out, but please bear with me. I've almost decided...

Thanks alot you's guys

Good luck finding parts and service close for your two choices, many have recommended redmaxx, go look and see what they run every day, in fact go check out 100 saw users and see how many redmaxx and dolmar saws you find in their This is an enthusiast site, you'll see the minority pop up, not saying they don't make a good saw, but when you need something for it you better be good at working on them yourself and order parts over the net. I'd dang sure run a either a Husky or Stihl. I'd almost be willing to bet if you stopped and ask 100 saw users, you'd find less then 5 with a redmax and prolly less than 10 running a dolmar. If you ever have to sell or trade it, you will take an absolute beating. Brad's a good guy, but ask him how much time he gives a redmaxx saw......prolly been gathering dust for awhile. It's just like the Ryobi thread a couple years ago, someone posted they were the best saw on the market for the buck, around a 100 bucks, many had issues, saws had to have modifications, I really wonder how many of them are still being run on a daily basis today. I saw a cream puff Husky 350 at the local dealer for 225.00, it looked like new, I'd take it any day over either of your choices.

With Stihl or Husky parts are going to be READILY available for years, they will also maintain value. To be fair about the little 180, they are fine when used within design limitations, mine is prolly six or seven, used and abused worse than any saw I have due to it's value, it if gets torn up or crushed no big loss, but it has performed flawlessly, that's why there have been hundreds of thousands of them sold.
Yes when you mod them, push them to crank out 3/4000 rpms above design criteria, you will have issues. But in real world everyday use they are fine.

If I were going to buy one tomorrow it would be a MS211.
I've determined that I have a Dolmar dealer about 1.5hrs away from me. I believe they also sell Redmax. The Dolmar dealer I called for a price is about 7hrs away and they are also listed as a Redmax dealer on the Redmax site. I have yet to call either one about the Redmax saws. As long as the saws are reasonably sorted stock, I'll be good. I will be using the saw on the farm, and if it breaks, as long as parts are available, I can wait for them. I would not buy either of these brands for work if I was a pro sawhand. That would have to be Husky, as the Huskies are the best supported for miles around here.

I am perfectly capable of fixing my own stuff. In fact, I don't like others touching my stuff. I've been working on 2 stroke off-road race bikes for a long time. Chainsaws shouldn't be a problem.

I'm not interested in a clamshell engine. Just because. Until i came to this site, I didn't even know that engine type existed. I just simply don't like it, and I won't buy one new, period. Used for cheap $, probably... maybe. That's why I spent the extra to get an MS362 over several other probably decent Stihl models for less money.

I do appreciate your comments, for sure. And I can also appreciate what you're saying. I am willing to take the chance, as these 2 brands seem to me to offer the best value for the money, in the type of machine I am looking for.

In this day and age, distance has become contracted, and parts and service is only a phone call away.
I went to my Dolmar dealer set on walking out with a 420. This was based on everything I have read and seen on here. I needed a small saw.

I wound up walking out with a 510 @ $270 OTD. I couldn't beat that with a stick for an all metal saw. The thing is a little torque monster.

It doesn't meet the weight requirements as mentioned in a few posts but it handles a 3/8 18" setup with authority and it fits in the basket on my 4 wheeler for trail clearing duty.
I went to my Dolmar dealer set on walking out with a 420. This was based on everything I have read and seen on here. I needed a small saw.

I wound up walking out with a 510 @ $270 OTD. I couldn't beat that with a stick for an all metal saw. The thing is a little torque monster.

It doesn't meet the weight requirements as mentioned in a few posts but it handles a 3/8 18" setup with authority and it fits in the basket on my 4 wheeler for trail clearing duty.

The 510 is a great saw for the money, heavy for the power yes, but still a good saw. My brother's had one for 3 years now and loves it.
You better get your parts and service figured out first. Redmax and dolmar parts availability sources are few and far between.Greg distributors has redmax, but i don't know about parts; and they can stop carrying or supporting brands at the drop of a hat. Chainsaws are not their thing by any means. The Lawn Mower Hospital is the only Dolmar dealer I know of. I did not like dealing with them in the past. High prices, poor service.

I moved to a town of 200 people in Saskatchewan a few years ago. I have to drive two hours to get to the nearest walmart, or to buy a pair of socks, or to get anything at a store other than the local coop. It's the middle of nowhere. I can go 40km north and get a full stocking independent Stihl dealer. I can go 35km south east and find a John Deere Stihl dealer. Stihl has good parts presence where it's needed even in sparsely populated areas.
OK, I've narrowed it down to Dolmar ps420 or Redmax gz4000/4500. I haven't priced the Redmax's yet, but I believe they are in the ballpark with the Dolmar.


I know I've just about worn this out, but please bear with me. I've almost decided...

Thanks alot you's guys

Good choices. Unmodded, the 420 will be stronger. It's also has better overall build quality, especially the plastics. I suspect the 4500 could be modded into the strongest 9.5# saw on the market, based on my experience with the GZ400.
Good choices. Unmodded, the 420 will be stronger. It's also has better overall build quality, especially the plastics. I suspect the 4500 could be modded into the strongest 9.5# saw on the market, based on my experience with the GZ400.

OK, done deal then. I will buy a Dolmar. Plastic quality is particularly important in a place where it gets cold. And I don't plan on doing any modding. Except maybe rippin' the guts out of a restrictive muffler. And that only to help the thing run cooler.
OK, done deal then. I will buy a Dolmar. Plastic quality is particularly important in a place where it gets cold. And I don't plan on doing any modding. Except maybe rippin' the guts out of a restrictive muffler. And that only to help the thing run cooler.

You will definately want to deal with the cat muffler. It's an easy mod.
You better get your parts and service figured out first. Redmax and dolmar parts availability sources are few and far between.Greg distributors has redmax, but i don't know about parts; and they can stop carrying or supporting brands at the drop of a hat. Chainsaws are not their thing by any means. The Lawn Mower Hospital is the only Dolmar dealer I know of. I did not like dealing with them in the past. High prices, poor service.

I moved to a town of 200 people in Saskatchewan a few years ago. I have to drive two hours to get to the nearest walmart, or to buy a pair of socks, or to get anything at a store other than the local coop. It's the middle of nowhere. I can go 40km north and get a full stocking independent Stihl dealer. I can go 35km south east and find a John Deere Stihl dealer. Stihl has good parts presence where it's needed even in sparsely populated areas.

A town of 200 in Saskatchewan is a great thing. Many towns would have died in many areas living thru the pretty hard times that Saskatchewan went thru for a long time. The community spirit in Saskatchewan is second to none. I'm glad that most of the small towns in Saskatchewan have survived. They are truly a unique breed of town. Populated by determined people. Ya gotta be pretty determined to live thru multiple prairie winters. Tough sleddin' at times, for sure.
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Problem solved. Scored a very good condition MS250 today for $100, powerhead and chain. Bar was thrashed so I had to get a new one, so I got 130 into it. Have not cut anything other than a piece of slabwood with it. Seems to run very good, but I'm not sure the oiler is working right... I can't get it to throw off the end of the chain.