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MS260 with a 36" bar on a blowdown eucalyptus.

394XP and a 50" jeffery pine from last summer.

090 with a 48" bar, another redwood blowdown.

MS660, 36' LW bar on a redwood hanger with heart rot.

How's that 260 pull that 36" bar? And that's one stout 660 to pull a 36' bar :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Did that heart rot dull your chain?

Nice pics!

No the heart rot is so soft and crumbly you can almost dig it out with your fingers. It is like packed sawdust. I will bore any tree that looks like it may have heart rot, which is almost all second growth redwood, but the rot twists and turns its way up the tree like a puzzle. Most any tree with fire damage or damage from injury (equipment) can pick up the heart rot fungus. Many fungi live in the soil and effect a large percentage of the tree in a given stand.
How's that 260 pull that 36" bar? And that's one stout 660 to pull a 36' bar :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Re the 660 it pulls the 36" bar just fine in redwood and Douglas-fir and euc. It is my go to saw for big stuff.

About the 260, well I took that image just to post here. That is me at the end of the work day. Handsome huh? Anyway that euc had fallen into the sand and driven the buttress underground where my 20" bar would not reach. The boss had that brand new bar and chain in the truck ready to head off to another job the next day. BTW it was Stihl full skip square ground chain. The extra reach of the 36" bar allowed me to go home and not have to worry about bringing a big saw the next day. For that little bit of work the 260 pulled the 36" bar just fine.
With a 36 foot bar I have to full double half skip with a triangular grind. The 260 runs 40wt at 16:1 with Chevron Supreme with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine as an additive. And a muffle mod.
:biggrin: Lol :biggrin:
Nice pics, keep 'em coming!

It's stuff like this that makes me regret selling off my big saws, even though they were so seldom put to any productive use. Might need to get a 2100 or another 075/076 one of these days...
Here's a 6 1/2 foot across cottonwood using an 066 with 42 inch bar for a wheel chock. Sorry for the shaky video, I had just got done making the top cut and grabbed grandpatractor's fone to record it. he should have named it "Felling a Stump".:laugh:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Good thing JD knows how to jump back! I didn't see that one coming! Sometimes being quick is the best thing! What happened to the saw/bar? Pancake? :msp_ohmy: :help:
Good thing JD knows how to jump back! I didn't see that one coming! Sometimes being quick is the best thing! What happened to the saw/bar? Pancake? :msp_ohmy: :help:

Ya you dont picture something that big rolling, just thought it would go to the ground, I should have got against it with the skidsteer.:dizzy:

The saw/bar were fine, cleaned the chips out and kept cutting.