So I'm up in North Adams MA for a wedding and at an old hotel. Got the Fiancée to agree to "do the wood thing" after dinner n drinks. I'd like to take CTYank up on his offer to show me a thing or too and after talking to my landscaper neighbor (who burns wood as a supplemental), research the free wood option from local tree guys looking to dump. He goes through 2 cords a year. I'm going to scavenge wood for a year (back to thinking of a gas chain saw) and If I keep it up with no immediate benefit (as it seasons) then that will convince me to lay out for the fireplace insert.
FWIW, our hotel room has a gas fireplace (which she loves, ugh) and a (I think?) Rumsford fireplace in the actually was throwing some decent heat....unlike my masonry at home, haha.
Fireplaces just don't do well in the usable heat department compared to about anything else (exception russian masonry style, massive thermal mass). Yes, you can get heat from them, at a cost, you'll burn a lot more wood.
If your GF really likes the ambience, but you want useful heat, you can just get something with a glass front. That's why they make them.
Good luck running the various saws, etc. Once you get into it, given you'll be able to run a saw, and have a proper burner, you'll enjoy it immensely. Chances are anyway. Because...being a gearhead is a gearhead! Just is, is all, and we all here enjoy running an engine to do something..doesn't matter WHAT, just we like it! Now, I don't "joyride" anything,(used to, but stopped for various reasons, primarily I am a long term, generations in advance aware conservationist, I want future generations to have affordable petroleum fuels) but I get my gearhead engine vroom! fix running saws. And I use the wood, it is covered by the practical nature of it, so there ya go, my take on it.
Some people, though, just aren't "cut out" for it (back to just cutting/burning wood) by nature/inclination/circumstances. And a lot of people burn, but have absolutely nothing to do with it outside of purchasing already processed and seasoned wood.
But I'll say this for have a wood burning can always scrounge wood. You have heating and cooking covered in a pinch. You are not able to say that for anything else, not easily anyway, you aren't scrounging propane/natgas/fuel oil/electricity. You can come up with your own supply, but requires investing in the alternate energy devices and whatnot you need (or I guess you could flat out steal it..won't go there)
In an emergency, especially one of any duration with the local infrastructure borked. like what just happened to a lot of folks with Sandy. Just something to consider. Or perhaps even longer term, general economic collapse, etc (no fiat currency system has ever actually survived long term, eventually..they all fail, usually catastrophically. and relatively fast once they start. The fatcats common solution, before they get hung, torn apart by the mobs or etc.. is just start internal and external wars of distraction, etc when this happens, until their empire/nation/whatever totally collapses.
Just some fun facts, and isn't that just special! And the USA is just magically the onliest exception ever,ever, it'll never happen's just magic!!! And our esteemed honored fatcats just say so! Trust them, they are just so much smarter than any other fatcats in history!!
Bwahahahaha! It's true though...
Where I am, it is silly to not burn wood, surrounded by it, have the means to gather right at hand. I can burn propane, but why? No need whatsoever. Sitting on a big full tank for some years now, eventually I'll scrape up enough for a propane generator to hook to that tank and run a full house rig with the appropriate cut offs/transfer switch etc for when the power goes out. I have a gas genny now but it is not cost effective to convert it, looked into it. I'll just keep that one for a portable unit and try to score a used but still good shape propane unit, one with a known better quality engine, etc..
more Bwa! that was a lot of random crap I typed... just some random thoughts on burning wood and your situation, try it, see if you can do it and like it (both ways, mass quantities hand saw and chainsaw), that's about it. Has a lot going for it. Stored solar power (firewood is the cleanest form of nuclear power, fusion based), most "green" form of easy/cheap energy out there that you can garner *and* store up. That storing part is quite important...if it matters any, perhaps to your GF, pretty darn good in the "carbon neutral" department. Not perfect, but would score real high compared to a lot of other ways to heat. And I am not worried about my wood stacks getting a leak and EL KABOOMING on me, either.