I agree with B_Turner's remarks. My saw has the same poor fit and finish as he describes and pictures. It is surprising, from a German company. I find the saw starter handle hard to pull. Makita, which now owns Dolmar, sells the saw under the Makita name in Great Britain. That saw comes with a decompresser valve as standard equipment. Since Dolmar is being sold in a variety of outlets that serve a broad range of buyers, the decompresser valve might help boost sales. As it is, the engine is harder to pull over than on a much larger older saw that also has no decompresser valve. Longer time users can advise if the hard starter rope pull is a temporary, new-saw, experience that will soon diminish. The Makita DCS 5000 saw is a blue and white color that looks attractive, at least on a monitor screen. As a personal view, I would like the aft handle to be slightly smaller in the vertical dimension. Users with larger hands might like it as it is. I won't make any judgment on power until I have used it for some time. As of now I am pleased overall with the saw and expect to use it for a long time.