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JD deep stumper.

New JD tractor mounted stump grinder for those deep down stumps.
with grass reseed ready attachment tow behind. :dizzy:

Thought you guys would like this one
wont mention the name of the council, but our capital has the same name, thats all im sayin

i also worked for a council.about 10 years in total,but we were never lazy because we were on a limitless bonus system.for the first 2 years the times on jobs were amazing.something like 14 man hours to remove a 10m tree,as we only worked 6 hr days in the winter a 3man team only needed 18 man hours before yo started earning bonus.paid at basic+33% a hour.
we used to book at least 36m/h a day.was fanfeckintastic,i was 20years old and taking home between £400-£600 a week,the record was £750 take home one week.this lasted nearly 2 years before the time were cut but we just worked a bit harder.everyone hated us as they didn't have work or were just to lazy to earn the money.then they started to cut the times even more so we just played the system to our advantage for a while untill the manager got the right arse and had it in for us but we still managed to earn good money.
i left for a year then went back.what a differance,hard as you like to clear even £300 a week so i jumped ship from the arb gang onto the woodland team,back to the easy life,don't do much but earn pretty good money.left again3 1/2 years mate was still there untill 6 months ago.he had worked there nearly 20 years but had had enough.they scrapped the bonus system and all he took home was £195!!glad i left when i did
i earn just over 16k, but the pension is good and theres normally o/t and fiddle work floatin about. been on light duties this week cos of me shoulder but next week its back to normal, hooray, ile get back in me bf11 again and be happy
Had a run in with the HSE yesterday. Left the Mog on site over night and the local yobs decided to have a play. Have a metal PTO guard which some how disappeared.

Had pollarded a Lime and brash was blocking a disabled access before we realised guard was missing. Had to clear brash so did less than 5 mins chipping, just as we were finishing a lovely young lady came by on her bike, been the reasonable chaps we are, we stopped to let her past, she in return politely pulled out her business card,HM inspector for HSE. GULP!

She had been past the site earlier in the day and was amazed at all our cones,signs,tape and it was great to see the guys in all the PPC. On her return she thought she would stop to give us some praise,instead she saw the turning PTO shaft.

I must say she accepted our explanation and my risk assesment that the disabled path had to be cleared, plus the fact that I openly admitted to been in the wrong but at least we all new the guard was missing. If I had said when asked, that I could see nothing wrong with the Mog, she did state she would have served a stop notice.

We went on to have a good chat about ARB and the HSE and I did mention some of the comments made on here. All in all she was only doing her job and turnred out to be quite resonable, I suppose she could have decided to go through us with a fine tooth comb. She did say the letter would be in the post,and the incident will be recorded, just in case.

By chance on Tuesday this week I had been talking to her boss in Leeds about some problem trees at a business premise. Another really decent guy (or seems to be on the surface. LOL). Knows quite a lot about the Arb world and is willing and would like to help with any short commings we all have. I told him to have a look at this site and read some of the comments, perhaps then he might get an insight in to what we feel and why we try to avoid the HSE like the plauge. Anyone want his tel No. LOL
I'll tell the young lady that you thought she was lovely ;).
Inspectors are human too, (no really, we are) and those of us that do deal with the arb sector try to be practical about the work you do. At the end of the day we do all want the same thing, for you lot to be able to go to work again tomorrow.
i went to the arbnorth day at houghall (durham) college last friday and hse among many more were there giving there talk on our industry and the problems as they saw it :Eye:
too there credit, they appeared to take a lot of notice of how we ( arborist see it )

1 we the traceable are an easy target for procecution
today went past one of the great mobile numbered tree bloke types using a large saw by the side of a footpath in a garden using a large saw to carve up a butt
( n guess what not a sign of PPE, barrier tape signs, didderly squat ) :angry:

2 the uneducated members of the public need to appreciate that employing the services of a contractor because they have a nice looking leafet to drop through doorways MAY NOT be a good choice, was talk made of TV Ads !!!!!
( infact i've priced a job today for an elderly lady to carryout some redial work after a bodger has been in !!! our price was half of that charged by the leaflet man, who as is always the case, needed CASH )

3 that the large diy stores , supermarkets should do more to educate / inform customers buying chainsaws RE HSE And PPE ** OFFER PPE at the point of sale**

4 that window cleaners and contruction workers (stood balanced on one leg on a Ladder holding on with one hand & Hilti drill in the other ) also need to sort out work at height
** a comment was made by hse that because a window cleaner although working at height is only in a postion for a few moments that it would'nt apply *so i ask if a climber was working in a hedge line and was therefore also moving etc etc ????** MMMMMMM i take your point was the reply !!

it was nice to feel as though they were listening a least !!! breath & holding springs to mind

pruner when you doing ur loler course??
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Guy's has anybody got any experience of County tractors ?? Things to look out for etc. I'm looking at a crane tractor with a jones crane on top on Sunday. I have plenty of experience of tractors but none of County's.

Cheers. :cool:
sorry to bring this up, if we (as professional users) have to be ticketed to use a saw how come homeowners can buy and use a saw with no idea of how it works. i know this all sounds a bit big bother ish but it gets to me somewhat, having said that a drill is dangerous in the wrong hands as well......i.e mine
