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well people ive bitten the bullet and ime off to wales at the end of the month to do my loler course. should be a fun jolly. had to pay for it myself tho!
course including assessment is 275 quid! hey ho, i hope i can use it enough to make some money on the side. i looked into professional indemnity insurance and that was to the tune of 1mil cover at 465 quid a year. who do you all get kit checked by and whats the average cost. ime lookin to become an nptc assessor in the new year. oh yeah, its with treevolution. does anyone reckon this could be a good little on the side earner if run legit? i need to keep me 9-5 but ive got expensive tastes and me 9-5 dont cover them!
Talking about wind and rain..just got back from 2 weeks felling to waste Lodgepole Pine in bleakest Derbyshire. Christ, the wind and rain up there is mental. It comes down like stair rods - except horizontal. A few trees, I haven't been able to finish my back cut, the wind's been so strong. I've got half way round and the roots have lifted before I could finish. Thursday was unbelievable, it was like working in a Typhoon, but worked in my favour. All the edge trees I was on, some around 20" dbh, all with crowns on one side and leaning the wrong way, were going over the opposite way with wind assistance. We'd have had to winch a lot of them over otherwise.
Looks like my local town council has money to burn ,today i watched 5 men,1 unimog with 10'' chipper , a gennie mewp,pi$$ around with a 35'-40' max London plane ,what a joke !!!!
hey bhey hey ime a very concientious arborist with a very good work ethic( unfortunately prob not as recognised as it should be) n ime a council worker and i work to my utmost ability, the highest standard and with health and safety foremost. there are some out there that give a toss, the silent few. i know at darlington we (the tree eam) are very focused and we all strive to work to the highest standard cos we all believe in what we are trying to achieve. rant over, dont tar all with the same brush
a council squad up our way had no work plan, the climber would drop everything into a tangelled mess, then the tractor drove over it carried out the timber then they would drag the brash out and hack it up in the back of the pickup, as opposed to chipping it (chipper on site) as if they have to tip more often they get to sit down more often..

another squad (another council) had in a month, a guy knocked out by a bit of wood swinging around in the chipper, a guy get to the top of a tree and feint, and a guy trying a lockjack and plummetting 2o ft.....

not all council workers are the sure of it
yeh, were all fully qualifullyfied, and have a very rare work ethic. were all from private backgrounds, so we know the meaning of work. i guess ive sold out but it pays the bills that ive incurred in house purchasing!!!! still its not too bad and the hours are good and we get wot we want mostly. winter hours from next week. yay!!!
i worked for cardiff council and they were the most miserable people ive ever worked with, not interseted and seeing out their pensions. fcuk it, if the truth hurts but they were either gung ho or too fat and lazy. i could only put up with 2.5 months before i made my excuses and left, fcukin dire state of affairs.
i applied for a job as a trainee arborist with the council, never went to the interview, was more than qualified but they were offering 136 a week
