Once again, a 24 hour fillup with the nastiest weather of the season. I went from 9:00PM on Saturday 12/20 to 9:30PM on Sunday 12/21. During that span we had temperatures in the single digits, 35-45MPH winds, and even a blizzard warning.
Pipe Welder sounds like you have a bum OWB or your losing a great amount of heat somewhere. 12 hrs w/ 5 or 6 chunks of ash (16" around and about 24" long) easily w/ mine.
Are your PEX water lines insulated?
Are you running your shop pump 24/7 or do you have anti-freeze in it ? I'd like to do the same thing but hesitated running it out until it was too late this year.
I'll have a slightly smaller area ( 768 sq ft ) but only insulation ( R-19 ) in the ceiling, nothing but concrete block for the rest. An old oil furnace from a mobile home ( about 50,000 btu ) gets it to about 60 degrees in cold weather.
I'm happy for you guys that are getting these long burn times,wish it were me. Last night was no exception the woodmaster laid down on me again, guess I should expect it by now. Loaded at 10:00 last night and water temp down to 122 this morning and fire all but out at 5:30 AM. Had to build a fire in the inside stove to warm up the house. It,s burning now but I still have fire inside to carry the load. I wish it were different but when a 200 buck used piece of junk puts a 6000 dollar machine to shame then I got an issue with woodmaster, there is no way I could recommend this piece of crap to anyone, but I,ll make you a heck of a deal on one slightly used woodmaster 4400.
I checked out the specs for the 4400 Woodmaster and the only thing I see thats a potential problem is the relatively small ( 112 gallons ) water reservoir. For your water temp to be 122 degrees in the morning means that sucker went out WAY before you checked it...assuming of course, you had it at least to 160 degrees as your stat setting. If its set at 180 its even harder to understand. Even pine ( what I'm presently burning ) should give 10 to 12 hrs in 30 degree temps and 8 to 10 hrs in 15 degree weather, assuming of course the unit is properly sized for the home size/insulation,etc etc.
Since the OWB is only 10 feet from your residence its unlikely its losing heat that much thru the pipes. The only possible reason is that your draft motor ( assuming you have one ) is constantly running but then it should be overheating your stat setting. Did you check during the day to make sure it wasn't too hot ? One thing I did notice was the whopping 164,000 btu propane heating unit. If your place requires that many btu's, then your present set up may well be too small.
Finally, the size of the metal pipe you ran should be 1 inch ID not OD. Wouldn't make that much a difference but it certainly wouldn't help. Kinda surprised you ran metal since water and metal dont get alone that well after a long period of time except for black pipe which is a little more forgiving compared to galvanized. And I wouldn't have run galvanized under any circumstances.. Hope you get her squared away. As mentioned, a dealer should be concerned about the rep of the unit they are selling.
Don't know what happened to my earlier post,never made it here but I'm having computer problems. At this point in time one has got to know when to throw in the towel, no use in flogging a dead horse. I have an energy king dealer within driving distance so I am going over to check them out. Maybe I expected to much from the OWB. Don't mind the work but I want something for my labor and this unit is not performing to my standards, so time to move on.