Hey guys,
The main reason i dont use 2 biners is because of the slop in the bridge when not loaded, ie; (body thrusting), always when body thrusting that lone biner under the bridge of the split tail seems to flopp around a bit and sometimes get twisted up in a funny way, youve probably experienced it. This always drove me nuts, not to mention the noise of all the hardware clanging around.
With just the one biner for splittail and working end of the line when i pull up into a body thrust, the bridge still slacks of coarse, but the biner is held into position by the constant pull of the climbing line in front of me, so there is hardly anyways slop going on., as i said erarlier i tie my hitch out a ways ,it is usually at my full arms length away. This makes body thrusting much faster. Ive tried other hitches such as th VT, MT (or whatever), also tried the schwabisch, but all of those hitches are too short for my preference and do not allow for proficient body thrusting.
The reason the climb line is not girth hitched is because, well,
well Will Im not sure. I havent exactly tried it but i think just clipping into the splice(ungirthed) is a little quicker(fraction of a second maybe). Anyway when recrotching all i do is buck in somewhere of coarse, then open up the biner and remove only the working end of the line, the biner stays clipped into to the harness along with split tail end of the rig. Then I simply pull the line from my 1st tie in and place thru my new tie in, then i open up that biner again and drop the spliced eye back into position.
I caryy with me a second FC, a second biner with split tail and the other end of my line is also spliced, i usually have that 2nd end of line all set up to go and clipped on my saddle for a dual tie in. I can set up a second tie in in seconds by doing this, wihtout having to pullup the other end of the line attaching a snp or biner and clipping in, then tying in a hitch. Again the other end is rigged and ready to go, merely clip the rig into harness, put the line thru the tie in and back to your self.
Also will, i do carry a second biner for each rigged end of the line, just in case i may want 2 biners in the system. This is helpful when using your line as a 2nd lanyard during ascent, or sometimes for splitting apart the climb line. to work between them.
Tom - i had a feeling youd be one to ask about my "drawing board" in the back ground. Ive recntly framed and sheetrocked my garage interior and figured i had to set up an area for my climbing / rigging ideas to take off from. Not much on it just some spare biner, snaps, slings etc, and some older ascenders im considering retiring and what not.
PS Im more than happy to post pics of anything of interest to you boys(well not anything!) Let me know, if i dont have a pic to show i can take one.
Time to get ready to prepare some Turkey for tonights feast, I wish you all a happy and safe thanksgiving holiday. I'll check back this evening, that is if im still awake.