Mike, that would make the Butterfly more like the Versatile. I use the fixed loops, rather than the sliding setup, mainly out of habit. But I do like the convenience, simplicity, and speed of my current system. I've seen how Paul Sisson attached his sliding setup, it just looked more cumbersome. Not using the rollers would be simpler, and less jerky, for sure. I'll check to see exactly how Dan Kraus does it.
And that will be Friday, when he shows up to film another great tree, only this time it is a preservation job! It is a 78.5" dbh giant tulip tree, that Scott Baker and I will nominate to be the new Washington State Champion! I'm also nominating it for the Seattle/Plant Amnesty Heritage Tree Program. I'm gonna try to get them to help me produce a video of the tree, the pruning, Cobra cabling, and the future dedication. we will be able to get a couple of the luminaries in the tree for the ceremony. Plus I plan to nominate, and shoot, the large elm in one of my best customer's yard. It may be the best elm is town, at over 4.5 feet dbh, and around 110 feet tall and wide. Spectacular setting, Cascade Mt view, super, huge yard with many great trees, including another elm, two big atlas cedar, declining paulownia, koelreuteria, Jap maple, plus a 5' dbh bigleaf maple which hangs over the awesome house. I've pruned it several times and installed at least five Cobra systems.