ArboristSite Member
Wow, What a great thread! I can't believe I overlooked it for so long. Most everyone makes great points and a lot of the difference seem to be based on location, location, location.....and the abundance (or lack there of) of available trees appropriate for firewood and available time/sweat equity. Some of you have seen my posts before, so I wont bore you with the details.....I come at it from the opposite end and sell to a niche market consisting of a captive audience who "wants" a fire but certainly does not "need" one. I buy seasoned hardwood cut at 17"- 21" and split small and medium to give a novice a fighting chance to get the fire going..... I then bag it (2 Cu ft by volume mesh bags) and deliver and stock at State and Municipal camping and RV parks in my area. My all in cost per full cord is $600 (Wood, bags, swipe fees, transportation, cut to the park and labor involved).....I get $1200. No theft, no getting paid by store owner at wholesale and they double the price. $200k in sales last year and more parks coming on line
This is what I had in mind living here in Vacationland. For campers and such that just want an ambiance fire, I figured woods like Spruce and Balsam Fir would be great since I have them on my property in great abundance and they smell amazing. This is about the only way I could possibly make money on firewood. My body couldn't process enough to sell by the cord to people using wood for heat.