Where did you get your cyclone wheel at for that price? I have the 3/16 for 3/8 and would like to get the 1/8 for .325. I paid $180 at Baileys over a year ago before the price went up to $230. These wheels are awsome!
You could land one direct from Dinasaw in Australia for about USD$180 and in any size you want.
Kstill from all that I can tell ABN is CBN. ABN is another way for them DINASAW to market their wheels as different. I am no expert but I was told they are the same thing. I wish we could compare the wheel in this post with the ABN from Baileys, I just not willing to buy another one right now.
Funnily enough I just saw this thread but have actually been in contact with Greg at Dinasaw and this was his reply to me asking about whether they sell direct to the public. Price is in Australian dollars so multiply by 0.8 to get rough US dollars. I have attached the .pdf Greg sent me. I'll be getting one soon but still up in the air on wheel thickness - probably get 4.5mm as per the standard wheel.
HI Matt,
Sure you can get a wheel directly from me.
125mm diameter wheels are $185.00 +
145mm wheels are $195.00 +
Our standard thicknesses are 2.5, 3, 4, 5 and 8mm for the 125mm diameter.
3 and 4mm thick for 145mm diameter.
I can make any size though
Let me know the OD, ID and thickness and I will send you a quote.
Also we can exchange the wheel when you wear it out for $130.00 +. So your
ongoing costs are much less.
I have attached a flyer.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Greg Costin
13 Industrial Avenue
Caloundra QLD 4551
Phone: ++61 (0)7 5491 4999
Fax: ++61 (0)7 5491 7809
[email protected]