Cell Phone Carrying...Where?

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Feb 6, 2007
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Because of now starting to try to get a house done, I broke down and bought a real cell phone. Yesterday, while waiting for a call that never was returned, I wanted to do noisy things, but couldn't figure out where to carry the phone where it wouldn't get broken. So I burned but had to be careful so I didn't melt the phone, did more chunking because I didn't dare run the saw to cut pieces smaller....got any polite ideas on phone location? :) Right now I'm in a foul mood because I have to have an asbestos inspection prior to tearing down the existing dump, and none of them want to come out to the hinterlands! I guess us rural folks is too scary?:mad:
I set mine to vibrate on high and wear it on my side on my belt under my sweatshirt. It is hidden that way, and protected from most dirt and dust, you can feel it when it rings even with stuff running. You don't even have to worry about heat there too. I wear it cutting down trees, splitting wood, mowing the lawn..it never leaves my side unless I am in the shower.

My mom is elderly and has issues and I need to be available 24/7 for her. It works great that way, I don't get many calls on it, it is more for emergencies.
I'll carry my cell on my belt or if I'm wearing Carharts, in the chest pocket. Mine is set on vibe/ring but most of the time but I don't feel or here it if I'm running equipment. I will usually catch the viocemail "beep" though, go figure.

I don't use the cheesy phone holder that came with it, most home centers have nylon phone holders with a velcro flap to keep the phone in. Not only does it do a really good job of protecting the phone, you won't lose it either.

I usually wear mine on my belt, but the phone holster gets tangled up in the belt of my chaps. Been putting it in a back pocket, seems to work ok as long as you don't fall on it. I have a nylon holster that has a fastex buckle to hold the phone in, plus the belt loop will ride vert. or horiz. plus it 'clamshells' with velcro so you can put it on a pack strap, suspenders, etc. Got it at EMS, sure you could find one at any larger store if you look around. Now that we're getting fairly wide coverage here, I like to carry mine in case something happens. Plus, I'm on call for work all the time.

I know that some of the companies that make PPE make bluetooth headsets that have a boom mic, probably ridiculously expensive, though. When I'm doing outside chores that don't require as much concentration as sawing, I'll stick my MP3 player earphones in under my muffs and jam. Could probably do that with a cell earpiece too.
You can't rig up something with duct-tape?

I usually leave mine on the dashboard of the pickup or in my tote-bag. I'll check it once in awhile to see if I've missed any calls but I never carry the damn thing. I've drowned, mashed, smashed, and run over too many cell phones. Dropped one in a portable toilet one time...didn't even consider reaching for it.

If it's an important call, they'll leave a voice mail or a callback number. If it's not important enough for them to do that then I don't want to be bothered anyway.

I guess I just don't like electronic tethers.
Mine lives in my left front pocket. It is a folding Nextel that is ruggedized and has been through hell and come back OK. Buy insurance, you will need it. Or maybe duck tape to your arm each morning. My wife has a little Verizon phone that she clips to her bra and it does look funny at times when she wears t-shirt.
Arborwear pants have a good leg pocket. Never ever lost my cell phone whether it's hours of bouncing on a tractor or being upside down in a tree. It always stays put.
I'll carry my cell on my belt or if I'm wearing Carharts, in the chest pocket. Mine is set on vibe/ring but most of the time but I don't feel or here it if I'm running equipment. I will usually catch the viocemail "beep" though, go figure.

I don't use the cheesy phone holder that came with it, most home centers have nylon phone holders with a velcro flap to keep the phone in. Not only does it do a really good job of protecting the phone, you won't lose it either.


My phones and holders just get torn up if there anywhere in the front of me. My belt holster needs to be back like above a rear pocket,,,, or leave it in the truck, tool cart or saw-pail.

There is a military version avalible from my provider. If someone were in an inventor mood, he should make a more work-prof phone, there sort of frail.
put it in my pocket and knock the sawdust off it when i get it out to use it.
Check out Krusell leather cell phone cases . For around $ 25.00 you should be able to get something that will keep the wood chips out & prevent it from being buggered up if you drop it. You'll also find different types of clips or attachment methods to suit you needs.
carry mine in the left front pocket of my jeans...tried the holster/belt hook thingamiger...POS IMHO. I tried to tell mom to get the insurance when she switched over to the family phone plan (only reason i have the thing)...she never got it...

I have a white spot on the front LCD screen from when a silage wagon tire blew up. Long story condensed-front and back left side wagon axles broke, full of corn silage, wagon half cocked on its side, front broken "axle" resting on still inflated tire...tire goes boom sending gravel everywheres, i duck and cover my head while in the tractor seat, but some how phone takes the hit....a few beautifully spoken french slang words expressed
I carry mine between my butt cheeks...

-sorry, somebody had to say it-
I put mine on my suspender strap up near my pocket. (My pouch fits well there.) Or I leave it on the 4 wheeler or at the truck and check it once in a while. I like to keep it close in case of an emergency. (Like I cut my foot off or something) Not too long ago we didn't have the problem of where to put our cell phones. Even when its handy I don't always answer it right away. I got it for "my convenience." I can call back later if I want to. :phone: