Here's my "in the pocket" story. It was during my unfortunate time of trying to be an engineer. I worked for a woman who was one of those people who are constantly on their cell phone so we had to have them too. They did work in some areas and were lighter than carrying a radio. But, it was on the Oregon Coast. Field work for engineering was done in the winter when the leaves were off the brush and you could see farther than 4 feet. I had a road profile to do. There was one of those comma storms on the way but I figured I had time to go do what I needed. The area was known as Misery Ridge and it fit the name perfectly. It was an hour hike in for me. I carried the phone in a urethane phone carrier in the front pocket of my cruiser vest. The rest of me was in rain gear as the horizontal rain was going full force. I finished my work as planned and started hiking out. Started feeling a weird zapping on my side. Finally figured it out. Because I did not and do not have a logical engineer mind, my remedy was to hit the phone on one of the many blowdown logs along the way out. This stopped the zapping, for a while and then I'd hit it again. The urethane thing had filled up with water and I guess the phone was shorting out. Finally, I hit the phone hard enough that the batteries flew out. Then it occurred to me to remove the batteries. Got out of the woods before the wind started too hard and made it back to the office. I thought the phone was done for and was expecting yet another chewing out. I dried it and, it worked again. But I have not wanted to carry one around much since. I am afraid of smashing it...I tend to kill watches so quit buying them. Duct tape does seem the best answer but a little hard to answer the phone. I don't like the idea of having a phone around all the time but kind of have to for a while to keep the moneypit project going....Thanks!