Central Va./Dinosaur50 GTG 2012

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Piped poulan.mp4 - YouTube

Piped junker poulan, i hope to bring to the GTG....if I can make it this year.

Sorry, the video is not great, i took it on my phone.

sounds much better in person,lol hope it holds together long enough, still tuning on it. It should, at least, put on a show lol
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Piped poulan.mp4 - YouTube

Piped junker poulan, i hope to bring to the GTG....if I can make it this year.

Sorry, the video is not great, i took it on my phone.

sounds much better in person,lol hope it holds together long enough, still tuning on it. It should, at least, put on a show lol

That is sooo sick! That's why I kinda like you flatlanders.

I like that too.....I may have to come down out of The Valley to check out this mess.
that sounds like the monster truck of chainsaws
you can say that but the hotsaw is the monster truck of chainsaws or i think it is but yes a poulan 44 2 man chainsaw is fun to cut with any 2 man chainsaw is fun to cut with i like 2 man chainsaws just as much as dean and david do runing a 2 man is fun as i said
i see what you mean you are right

i always thought of hotsaws as top fuel dragsters
i see what you mean you are right about hotsaws beening like top fuel dragsters of the chainsaws iknow thier going to be some hotsaws at the gtg and they will be raceing them at gtg
Ah...That'll give me one more chance at pilfering an RA! :hmm3grin2orange:

(This in an inside joke between Mikey, BuzzSawyer and myself as Mikey "misplaced" his RA "for a short time" at the last GTG. Right Mikey?)

There was a lot of envy involved with that...next time, you and Buzz should keep your eyes on your EZ's and Contras!
There was a lot of envy involved with that...next time, you and Buzz should keep your eyes on your EZ's and Contras!

Personally, this time I'll be pack'n! Gotta protect my babies:


View attachment 219375

Di nosaur50, your PM inbox is full and can't accept anymore!

Di nosaur50, your PM inbox is full and can't accept anymore!
wood will be pine oak and Cottonwood

wood will be pine oak and Cottonwood and maybe others we are about 8 weeks to gtg plz post on his thread who is coming if you have not so we know how many are coming

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