Because it has to have the "-"
Jeff, almost freaked out
Jeff, almost freaked out
Certification # PD-1915A, Certified Feb 17, 2009, Expires Jun 30, 2012
Funny thing is sunrise if you would of checked my Bio & then looked in the membership listing you would of seen Im not pulling your chain......Im listed in there as a professional member & Certified Arborist!
hope this answers your question, Now quickly go to the ISA website & check it out!
Would you like my LCTT cert# too? Shesh.....I got more marbles than you!! like its a kids game!
I fordot they changed western chapter from WC to WE.
WE7624A. Now try.
Thanks, Keith. It's no big deal, Mr. Long. I was just starting to wonder about your certification since you were talking so much :censored: about the ISA's CEU requirements and you seem so against keeping up with new developments in our chosen profession. Just about every CA I know enjoys learning new things about tree-related research issues, so your attitude struck me as, decidedly, strange. Anyway, no hard feelings.
What certifying body is that from? I know ACRT certifies, but I haven't seen that format. Just wondering----
No hard feelings taken, we`re all in this together, I was just voicing an opinion...I did not mean to offend anyone, BUT....many times on here some come across (me too) a little brash!
I just feel like this: I love this trade, Im a little on the traditional side as far as the "up through the ranks type" I just hate it when a trade especially ours has so many organizations/ unions & other entities reaching in our pockets!
Im not against any means, in a trade/career that is tough enough on ya physically, not to mention expensive (our toys arent cheap!) we will go above & beyond by obtaining Certs, pesticide/herb, CDL, etc.. that I truly feel we are worth much more!
In my area a utility tree trimmer will make anywhere from $18-$22 hr, residential guys make far less, $12- $14....My little company actually pays good.....& our service is good, so the point im making is: we put our heart & souls into it, dream about it even, So how about making the continuing path of keeping the cert as least pocket invasive & time consuming as possible?
No matter what our opinions & even though they vary less/greater...we still have a duty of stewardship in our profession weather certified or not, & above all......we have people who love us, so lets make it home safe every day!
No hard feelings taken, we`re all in this together, I was just voicing an opinion...I did not mean to offend anyone, BUT....many times on here some come across (me too) a little brash!
I just feel like this: I love this trade, Im a little on the traditional side as far as the "up through the ranks type" I just hate it when a trade especially ours has so many organizations/ unions & other entities reaching in our pockets!
Im not against any means, in a trade/career that is tough enough on ya physically, not to mention expensive (our toys arent cheap!) we will go above & beyond by obtaining Certs, pesticide/herb, CDL, etc.. that I truly feel we are worth much more!
In my area a utility tree trimmer will make anywhere from $18-$22 hr, residential guys make far less, $12- $14....My little company actually pays good.....& our service is good, so the point im making is: we put our heart & souls into it, dream about it even, So how about making the continuing path of keeping the cert as least pocket invasive & time consuming as possible?
No matter what our opinions & even though they vary less/greater...we still have a duty of stewardship in our profession weather certified or not, & above all......we have people who love us, so lets make it home safe every day!
No hard feelings taken, we`re all in this together, I was just voicing an opinion...I did not mean to offend anyone, BUT....many times on here some come across (me too) a little brash!
I just feel like this: I love this trade, Im a little on the traditional side as far as the "up through the ranks type" I just hate it when a trade especially ours has so many organizations/ unions & other entities reaching in our pockets!
Im not against any means, in a trade/career that is tough enough on ya physically, not to mention expensive (our toys arent cheap!) we will go above & beyond by obtaining Certs, pesticide/herb, CDL, etc.. that I truly feel we are worth much more!
In my area a utility tree trimmer will make anywhere from $18-$22 hr, residential guys make far less, $12- $14....My little company actually pays good.....& our service is good, so the point im making is: we put our heart & souls into it, dream about it even, So how about making the continuing path of keeping the cert as least pocket invasive & time consuming as possible?
No matter what our opinions & even though they vary less/greater...we still have a duty of stewardship in our profession weather certified or not, & above all......we have people who love us, so lets make it home safe every day!
I guess I don't want tp be left out or give you guys a reason to believe that i'm full of :censored: PD-1882A. I've been reluctant to give this info out for the reason that there's lurkers out there reading everything you right. I'm afraid someone in the area is going use the stuff I write against when bidding. Lets face it you can learn alot about someone just from what they say.![]()
This may take this thread in a whole new direction. I think the subject of anonymity on the internet is one many think about, at times. I feel that certain areas of the net should cause a poster to be on guard. Political forums, talk of religion and other "touchy" subjects are probably better discussed without giving one's true identity. In here, I feel I'm among my peers and that we're all in it together. While some things we talk about in here, like pita clients and goofy things homeowners do on their own, might conceivably be used against us if somehow published in the mass media, the odds of anyone wanting to do that is slim. Even if such things got "out there," I cannot recall any of us ever giving names, addresses, etc., of anyone we disparage, in most cases, so there wouldn't be much reason to go to the trouble to "out" someone's posts, in here, to the public.
Now I did mention that I "outted" a guy, in here, who was talking about companies he was going to turn in to OSHA. He was going to take pictures of violations and such, on job sites. I felt he should have come clean as to where he was and who he was before he posted stuff like that. Once I traced him using his posted CA#, and posted his name, company and location, he disappeared from this forum. Now he may be back on here with another sn, but I don't know.
If someone is against using their true identity in here, that's their business. If they start posting stuff like the guy I just mentioned, then it becomes another matter, as I see it.
(snip) I think non members shouldn't be able to enter this discussion forum and members should have to verify who they are when they sign up.
This site is supported by advertisers so I don't think it's a good idea.
If people don't want their info out there then they shouldn't post it.
Paonia, thanks for speaking up--excellent post, let's hope lxt has his ears on. I'm not happy about the test being dumbed down, but it is what it is--go to Massachusetts or move up to the BCMA if you want to take a more challenging test! Yes certs got fragmented; they were bound to--lots of people doing arborist work when they are not wearing saddles.I attended the National Isa confrence in providence, learned a bunch and got ceus. I am currently scrambling to finnish my ceus for 2nd recert. It is some work but it makes sense that it should get harder and you should need to learn more to maintain certification. The certification test was too easy in my opinion. More knowledge allows you to offer much bettter services and quality and keeps the work more interesting. I cringe when I see the pruning performed by some outfits in this area claiming "professionally trained'' or some other bs. ISA cert may not be needed for every business but it has made me far more professional and improved the bottom line. My advice is do your homework you may be surprised how you put that info to use.
Here the moderators (I'm told) are not compensated, the site spins off e-zines written by writers that they refuse to pay (take a wild guess about the quality and reliability of THAT information), so a lot of the $ from all those blinking icons up there goes into the owners' pockets. lxt, you were talking about ripoffs....?
Did you just call the owner of this forum you post on and derive information from (for free)...... a
"Rip Off Artist" ?