Chainsaws after an EMP

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ArboristSite Lurker
AS Supporting Member
Mar 14, 2024
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Northwest Florida
If you had to build a 70+cc saw that was EMP proof, what would you build? I think that points ignition would be the most modern setup that would survive, but not sure. Aren’t they all just magnets, metal and wire? Did stihl use points on anything past the 70s? Asking for a friend.
maybe the better question is what will a EMP take out? There has been some testing done but I believe it's all been done within a safe range well below what could be produced by a Weapon designed for mass destruction.

They say the Humvee is EMP proof but I'm not sure I believe it owning one, resistant maybe but there are still some electronics on there like a voltage regulator that could be damaged but again it all depends on what the EPM effects.

Maybe a better option would be to just store whatever saw you have in a Faraday cage to block the EMP. I've wondered before if something as simple as grounding the tin on an outdoor shed would be enough, but who knows.
Wouldn’t be easier to take electrics off and put them in a faraday cage then complete saw?
So I would tell your “friend” a ms440 or 372xp would be easy to get going as simple to install module
Any saw that uses an engine management system that has a computer can be affected. Older electronics are going to be ok as well as points and condensers. Same as cars , trucks etc. The Humvee uses a common rail 6.2-6.5 diesel no computer
maybe the better question is what will a EMP take out? There has been some testing done but I believe it's all been done within a safe range well below what could be produced by a Weapon designed for mass destruction.

They say the Humvee is EMP proof but I'm not sure I believe it owning one, resistant maybe but there are still some electronics on there like a voltage regulator that could be damaged but again it all depends on what the EPM effects.

Maybe a better option would be to just store whatever saw you have in a Faraday cage to block the EMP. I've wondered before if something as simple as grounding the tin on an outdoor shed would be enough, but who knows.

Whenever a few million dollars happens to find me, a Faraday Cage is on my want-list
Any saw that uses an engine management system that has a computer can be affected. Older electronics are going to be ok as well as points and condensers. Same as cars , trucks etc. The Humvee uses a common rail 6.2-6.5 diesel no computer
Military maybe but not civilian models 94 to 02 the rotary pumps were electronic pre 94 had mechanical pumps GM stopped civilian production when the duramax was introduced
The real question is where are you going to get gasoline to power your EMP proofed chainsaw after the apocalypse. Acquire a one man crosscut saw a.k.a misery whip and learn how to keep it sharp. It will keep you in shape and won't announce your presence to the commies.
Whenever a few million dollars happens to find me, a Faraday Cage is on my want-list
Pretty expensive for a roll of (aluminum foil). If you are that anal about an EMP, just wrap your power head in foil and be happy. Not that you'll need it anyway because nothing else will work, like gas pumps or your house power or anything so a protected saw is way down on the list in my view. I don't believe it will ever occur anyway.
Pretty expensive for a roll of (aluminum foil). If you are that anal about an EMP, just wrap your power head in foil and be happy. Not that you'll need it anyway because nothing else will work, like gas pumps or your house power or anything so a protected saw is way down on the list in my view. I don't believe it will ever occur anyway.
It's more likely from the sun, imo.

I'm not that concerned, but it'd be awesome to have, especially for battery tools and batteries.
It's more likely from the sun, imo.
What they call "coronal mass ejection" events or CME happen all the time and regularly wipe out satellites. There was a big one a few months ago that brought the aurora borealis down to the lower 48. From my reading, most of the stuff inside your house would be perfectly safe, whereas big conductors like power lines would overload, causing fires and grid collapse. NASA has a space weather tracker that is pretty interesting to watch.
If you want some interesting reading, look up the Carrington Event. A similar CME today would cause trillions in damage and potentially kill tens of millions of people from supply chain collapse.

If you are that anal about an EMP, just wrap your power head in foil and be happy.
Way ahead of you. I wear the foil as a hat.
I believe there was a discharge a few years ago that would likely have taken out every piece of electronics on the planet had it not been on the far side of the sun & directed away from us... kinda scary to think the sun just needs to "sneeze" in our direction to wipe out our digital existence. I kinda doubt any banks still keep hard copy backups.
Any saw that uses an engine management system that has a computer can be affected. Older electronics are going to be ok as well as points and condensers. Same as cars , trucks etc. The Humvee uses a common rail 6.2-6.5 diesel no computer
while they don't use a computer they might still not run. it all depends on what it fries. the military humvee still has electronics like a voltage regulator and the PCB which is known to be a problem under good conditions and probably the biggest downfall of the design.

also all the later humvees like mine that have the 4 speed tranny have a TCM which could be fired and tho that won't stop it from running you would be stuck in 2nd gear which is still better than no vehicle.
well the USA builds KY satellite to be EMP hard. ( have guy I know that does that) Shield EMP is complex.
it's only going to wreck electronics, not like you see on TV movies burning up starter motors, crazy.
but face it not one person or country has built nor tested an EMP atomic bomb. it is only a theory, not built yet.
its fear over fear.
The bomb would need to be focused some how, to do that, how , nobody knows for sure beyond theories)
They dream up EMP energy densities, first, (rabbit out of hat dreams) and then design shields to do that. (based on say CPU transistor feature sizes.)

what smart (tin foil hat )preppers do is put the radio and the chain saw in a huge (old-skool) steel garbage can and , flag it "FARADAY SHIELD"
but gee go gas , no go.
I am still awaiting for the Garbage can results. (with baited breath)
too bad we don't have diesel chain saws.??
so for points ignition keep a spare condenser or it will short out at EMP but is flywheel protected some some what.

yes one of them weirdest posts ever. fun for sure.

the NASA , once had million reward to prove any EMP solution worked in their lab testers.
had vast friends working this to get that reward. (who won was never told)
the problem was using a scope, we could not prove the scope was not effected, at the moment of the EMP making all readings a huge lie.
I think NASA did it only by modeling methods. Like they do global (worming -sic)?

I used to work in the test industry, and this topic is way way too complex. for anyone I know.(&me)

The is like making a Umbrella hail proof, and be stylish? who will lbe the tester?, not me. but sure sst mess won.?