China/Stihl knockoff?

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Let me also state, that I dont hate the Chineese. I hate the American people who are responsible for letting this happen.

Thats what it boils down to: This is nobodys fault but our own...............
Mike I agree with the economic and political points you made.

However, OSA changed his post to avoid defending his statement about hating a race of "people" not "products".

I feel sorry for OSA if he hates the 5 year old Chinese girls on the swings at the local park he may pass this week.

I am not so quick to condemn an entire race of people due their homeland run government, and I hope others here can see that also instead of being little hateful people.
Mike mandry said:
They have deystroyed American manufacturing thanks to the idiots that shop at wal-mart & such & buy thier garbage. thats what they have done.

What have the chineese done for you ?? Besides help you sell your nations manufacturing off & ruin the economy for the little guy.

You idiots dont have a clue. Where do you think the profits for Chineese made goods go ?? Straight to the chineese military, what a great way to to fund your defense sytem. From lazy ass americans that buy it & let it happen.

What is China going to make for you after American manufacturing is completely gone & we go to war ?? Thats right, nothing, because they will own your ass.
This is a text-book slippery slope fallacy, and shows a lack of understanding of a capitalist economy.
Al Smith said:
These folks seem to be the copy cats of the world ,at present,all things not just saws.In the world of metal cutting tools it is amazing the similarity with regards to name brands.From my limited experience the products lack the quality of the originals they were copied from.I am somewhat biased in my opinion of Asian made goods and endeavor to avoid them.Somehow or another though I ended up with some.

When you look at woodworking equipment it is the same way. The Grizzly, Reliant, Woodtech, and others are all the same foreign piece of equipment with a different paint color and sticker. They are copies of what used to be US made equipment, Rockwell/Delta and in some case copies of some older Powermatic. There are also some based on Canadian General tools. I have had my fair share of experience with it. It may look OK and operate but try to drill a hole in a casting or a metal part. I drilled a hole in a casting on a shaper. The bit went right in and cut it like butter. The steel table was the same way when I bored holes for the power feeder it slipped right through.

If you dont like my way of changing things to make more sense, thats your problem. I dont like chinese products, I meant to say products originally, but said the wrong thing so I had to change it to say what I meant to say.

The chinese have been known for this for a long time, they've even got a battery that looks almost EXACTLY like duracell batterys, called a dinacell, they're absolute crap.
Fine OSA,

Your original statement refering to people was offensive to some of my friends
and their children.

I hope you can understnd your original choice to type "people" was way out of line if indeed you meant to say products. I have no problem reading rants of small minds, I actually laugh at people who feel the way you did when you wrote problem here little man.

I do agree with the product/encononic/politial side to the discussion.
Historically the Japanese products of the 60's were generally taken as inferier in quality.Over a period of years the quality came up to an acceptable level.I suspect the same will happen with Chinese stuff.A very amusing thing happened concerning the Japanese regarding profits etc.It seems that much like US companys seeking lower production costs ,the Japanese turned to Korea for the production of cheaper steel .Well,what goes around,comes around.The Koreans,using Japanese production methods,that were in fact,US methods,blew the Japanese,figurtively speaking, out of the water ,by flooding the market with cheap steel.The Japanese ,of course ,yelled foul.This stuff has been around for centuries and seems to be a big revolving wheel that eventually comes full circle.Years ago I have seen ironworker crews that would refuse to hang steel unless it was rolled made in USA or Canada.Today I've seen pipe fittings that say ITE,which is a US company,made in China,go figure.
This is a text-book slippery slope fallacy, and shows a lack of understanding of a capitalist economy.

Yes, I perfectly understand a capitalist economy. One that is driven by corporate greed............... If we close our doors & move to Mexico, or outsource to China, we can save 32 million a year in overhead. All we have to do is lock the doors, lay off 250 employees & shazam, we just got a ticket for another 2 million bonus check this year.

Why should we pay our employees a liveable wage, when we can go to china & pay them 15 cents a day.

Being from Arkansas, one of the poorest states in the nation, I guess you perfectly understand, what a capitalist economy is all about.

Perhaps you work at wal-mart for sub standard wages & poor (if any) benifits, while the mom & pop outfits that made it what it is shrivel up & die.

Nothing against Arkansas, I happen to like it & its people quite a bit. I even have some family there.

Again, I will stop before I get carried away.
China/Stihl knockoff

You can "Thank" your local politicians and big corp CEO's. Since "FREE Trade", we still get our "ass kicked" for buying US goods, and shipping them to CANADA. But the CANADIAN govt, can sell resources (I thought belonged to ALL Canadians) to China's Investor's. They just opened the first Inco plant in China as the just CLOSED an INCO NICKEL PLANT in CANADA. ONLY when enough "Joe Sixpacks" are "UNEMPLOYED" to pay INCOME Taxes will the Politicians find "The China Syndrome" to be a problem. Mike
That danged NAFTA thing is not being used like it was intended,or maybe was intended[clear as mud,eh]An example being Asian products coming through Mexico.In my opinion,only a select few benefit from this agreement and not the masses.Then again being a union skilled trades person for the majority of my working life ,I am indeed very biased.
i put in an information and price request.. be interesting to see if they answer my questions about selling to the USA and if they will do low quantity sales.. just have to wait till they respond now. also requested price on a sample unit to see how bad they want US customers..
another link on it says:
Main export markets:
Eastern Europe
Mid East/Africa
Central/South America
Click on get a sample on the above link. They will send you a 20' container of 500 saws or 40' container of 1,000 saws. Now all you need is 999 buddys. Put me down for 1...Bob
What irritates me are the people who think every American is owed a job without being competitive. If we aren't competitive in manufacturing, we should focus our efforts into something of which we have greater value. Nothing in industry is static, and to expect things to be unchangeable is not realistic. Where I work is irrelevant, but I will say that I'm making acceptable use of the talents I possess.

I don't expect to have a job provided to me for little effort by squelching legitimate competition. If I can't compete with China's fifteen cent/hour rate, I'll change my employment until I have a job that provides a decent standard of living, and I'll work my ass off to get there. That is the spirit of America, and it is something that many want to eliminate by griping that others are taking their jobs away, expecting people to pay 10 times the competitions' rate for the same services, and have their inefficient, recalcitrant, stale, unions.

Corporations have greed, employees have greed. Greed is what makes greatest effective use of our resources, because it makes people try to be as efficient as they can in order to provide services for less than the competition, thereby allowing all to enjoy a better standard of living. That Chinese boy's 15 cents per hour is what's keeping him from starving. That American that's forced to get off his fat ass and learn something he's good at has improved himself. Prices of all goods go down, more people get more services. Look how much more the average citizen has today than the citizen of 30 years ago. You've got a good idea--I'll stop before I get carried away. :)
Yeah, I was wondering why pick on the china made saws. When people here in the U.S. buy german, sweden, italian, japan, saws with no problems. Maybe if we had supported the local made saws, they would have the big saws for for you all still to buy. But when you have no choice but to buy the big saws from abroad for your work, got to do what you got to do. I try to buy U.S. saws for homeowner use , but I know they want hang for you PROs use. But why kick this copy cat saw if you can get it at a decent price and it holds up? China made German made all the same to me, lets talk price now and if you save 50% and if it will hold up to your use who cares. I'm not out to impress anybody with a saw. Just my feelings on this.
Very interesting discussion, somewhat OT but here is one observation. Knew of a fellow who owned a TV/electronics repair shop who loved fly fishing for trout and steelhead. He could have fished every waking hour if not for having to run the TV shop. Ah, the invasion of asian made electronics ruins the TV repair buis, just throw em away and buy another. What is our freind to do? Why with the new found disposable income available due to the cheap cost of TV's and cake mixers (and every other concievalble item) he opens a fly shop and guide service! Right next to a new archery shop! Just down the street from a new paintball sports center! around the corner from the new local steak house! across the street from the new 4x4 monster truck shop! near the antique shops gallery! Hmmm, these are most perilous time indeed. Just my observation.
Spacemule, I'm happy that you are in the position to 'reestablish' yourself every time that your employment situation changes. There are, unfortunately, a great number of people who are not able to do so, or do so at a great cost. You, & others, are correct in saying that no one is guaranteed a job. That, however, in no way justifies what is happening to the manufactoring jobs in the US. And now clerical work is being done overseas. I can see the day coming when the number of jobs leaving the US far exceeds the number of new jobs being created. What happens when there aren't enough people in the US earning enough money to buy the cheap imported products? What happens when the foreign workers wise-up, and want a larger slice of the pie?

We the consumers want products to be cheap & plentiful, while the corporations want to maximze profits. By sending jobs overseas, we are bit by bit lowering our living standards. The demand for cheap products and services will, in the long run, reduce the customer base for those products and services.

Well, I've given myself a headache. Later.....
Knot Whole, ever wonder what the anual gross sales on person water craft is? Or how about tackle for bass fishing, heck how about just plastic baits for bass fishing? The oportunity and prosperity currently available is mind boggling! Indeed these are perilous times we live in. Just my observation

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