Christmas Wraptoring

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How bout you and me just set up a contest and have at it with witnesses. I don't have time for that extravagance right now...I just bought a new crane and paying the bills is where it is at for me right now.
Have at it? What is "it"?? The geezers is not about pissing contests, unlike almost every thread you join in on. :sword:

More toys, more bills, more work. More toys,...then ya die, and give the bills to yer kidz. Not the plan I want to follow; though it does make an almost-convincing alibi. And I'm as enthusiastic as you about the wraptor, but it's not a Tool for clubbing others.

O and if there has to be a contest, my money's on holden and his ladder and polesaw in many trees, most maples for instance in my parts. :sucks:

Happy New Year! Come to Columbus on Valentine's Day, and we'll laugh about AS. After all, it ain't real, ya know...
Oh, I dont know, some good jabs from holden as well if you ask me..

AA, I wouldn't be buying a GRCS for what you're thinking.. trust me it's been tried before.

I think grcs are a good tool how ever my monies are limited to most bank for a buck. I, having a large winch on my bucket can lift tip ties if necessary(almost never are) so; the value to me personally is not cost effective; yet. However; an elevator ride to canopy hmmmmm, let me see, now that is something the rope can see beneficial. No it is not a necessity but I can see the value and cost per productivity panning out. If you can't appreciate the saved energy and added production then you have a visualization deficit imo. I think how many more crown cleanings and dead wooding jobs can I effectively get done extra per day. It is my guess; it could be very substantial and it could be used to rescue as well. I have not had one and I can see their benefit, I wonder why that is:confused:
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It gets you up there with no effort. Sound good now. Sounds Fantastic in the summer when its 100 Degrees out( someone here knew about the degree symbol). Like when you start sweating when you wake up then go to work all day and come home and sweat. Ya those days. I wants to conserve energy whenever I can. And in this game called Life, there is a right way and a dumb way to do just about anything, I chose the right lane(way) anyone who comes on here arguing about new technology can just follow the dumb lane to Stupidsville. I heard the population is really taking off. I at first thought the wraptor was a weak sounding mosquito winch. But with further interest I found out that it is a great piece of equipment to add to my list of tools..
I think grcs are a good tool how ever my monies are limited to most bank for a buck. I, having a large winch on my bucket can lift tip ties if necessary(almost never are) so; the value to me personally is not cost effective; yet. However; an elevator ride to canopy hmmmmm, let me see, now that is something the rope can see beneficial. No it is not a necessity but I can see the value and cost per productivity panning out. If you can't appreciate the saved energy and added production then you have a visualization deficit imo. I think how many more crown cleanings and dead wooding jobs can I effectively get done extra per day. It is my guess; it could be very substantial and it could be used to rescue as well. I have not had one and I can see their benefit, I wonder why that is:confused:

I would have probably bought a wraptor this year, just to have the cool new toy, if nothing else. I bought that cab and chassis though, which pretty much sucked any free money. Definitely more bang for the buck than a GRCS - to me anyway (assuming you do a lot of tall tree pruning).

Admittedly I never used the GRCS I have sitting here too much, but it seems like far from a necessity to me (nice to have here and there though).. a little too much to put in the hands of the average ground guy imo.
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And if I had my choice of all the lowering devices I've seen so far, I think Reg's dual bollard, with the rope tentioner, would be the most useful in everyday treework (at least for the way I rig).

Sorry for any derail..
Have at it? What is "it"?? The geezers is not about pissing contests, unlike almost every thread you join in on. :sword:

You are the one that pulled the wang out.

How about "it" being you drop down here from Columbus (right on your way) before or after Valentines Day and I hang 4 or 5 bells in a big syc with my Teco and the one that rings them all in the best time pissed the engines allowed?

We get anyone nearby to be the judge. Then dinner's on me like I have offered before. Some good food in this town.

That's as real as it gets.
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Columbus has a nice Lamborghini dealership!! I say I just might be able to swing by to judge just such an event!! would be fun!!

Columbus has a nice Lamborghini dealership!! I say I just might be able to swing by to judge just such an event!! would be fun!!


It would have to be Cinci lxt.....I got access to trees down here.

You shopping for a Lamborghini?
This is gonna be my very LAST post on Wraptors...period.

I can kinda understand back in the day when a guy got himself together a nice horse and buggy and all of a sudden, down the pot holed dirt road comes of those new fangled counfounded awtooomobeeells, dagnabit. :laugh:

I am kind of a goal oriented type and it is good for the post count to mix it up a little with combustible types.....anywho.....right near my goal of 5k by 2011.... soooo...bye bye wraptor thread.

Pm me if you want to get "it" on ole treeseer. I think you got embare assed into buying a Wraptor when you screwed up and they ran a 10 page thread slammin you over on Treehouse for puttin the safety back up on backwards and almost killing yourself with the demo unit.......You did good in the long run by buying it anyway bud.:cheers:
Not likely to need a wheelchair soon. I can go out the door right now and run 6, 7 plus minute miles and do often.

I have to admit I prob am a bit of a physical freak. At least that is what 30 year olds say that I play racquetball with....but I have made myself this mostly (that and being a treeman).


I am "running a successful tree service" and have been for 40 years. Live in a $400,000 plus house, drive a new one ton silverado, bought the wife a new BMW 3 series all wheel drive station wagon, have tons of toys, put 3 kids through college, live in an exclusive neighborhood in a upper middle class town. All this with just me and 1 groundman.

Came home from a hard day, read this post and realized that things could be worse. At least im not a total douche bag.
Probably great for old timer's, just a ride for the young guy's.
Jeff :D

The problem with your statement is you are looking at one tree. The biggest fatigue factor for a climber is ascension, so it often allows an extra tree or two at the end of a long day.

I find that with big trees it has changed my pattern in the tree. I treat it as several pitches where I work down a side/section then use The Toy to go back up again to reset.

On wooded areas where I am working several trees from a single pitch, I will use The Toy as my TIP. Building clearance is a breeze when there is a good SRT multi-crotch lace for the ascent rope.

Even with evergreens I can work up one, and then down another (Paul cautions against working on ascent with the Wraptor, CYA on his part).

I use it on removals, with my spikes on, and I can go up with several blocks, a saw, and rigging line on my saddle w/o any real effort.

It makes it so much easier to set a block in an adjacent tree that I might not w/o the toy, because it is a PITA to set/retrieve.

When there is a groundguy with throwball skills, then things are that much more efficient.

Another tool where the assumptions of those who have never used it are counter-productive.
The problem with your statement is you are looking at one tree. The biggest fatigue factor for a climber is ascension, so it often allows an extra tree or two at the end of a long day.

I find that with big trees it has changed my pattern in the tree. I treat it as several pitches where I work down a side/section then use The Toy to go back up again to reset.

On wooded areas where I am working several trees from a single pitch, I will use The Toy as my TIP. Building clearance is a breeze when there is a good SRT multi-crotch lace for the ascent rope.

Even with evergreens I can work up one, and then down another (Paul cautions against working on ascent with the Wraptor, CYA on his part).

I use it on removals, with my spikes on, and I can go up with several blocks, a saw, and rigging line on my saddle w/o any real effort.

It makes it so much easier to set a block in an adjacent tree that I might not w/o the toy, because it is a PITA to set/retrieve.

When there is a groundguy with throwball skills, then things are that much more efficient.

Another tool where the assumptions of those who have never used it are counter-productive.

Counter-productive? How is me making an 'off the cuff' remark, counter-productive? No assumptions made. Wraptor 's been around awhile and I am sure they are great.
Counter-productive? How is me making an 'off the cuff' remark, counter-productive? No assumptions made. Wraptor 's been around awhile and I am sure they are great.

Ruling it out summarily for skilled young climbers is keeping it out of your companies tool kit. Having one that can used a few times out of the week by different crews could be very productive for a company that regularly works in several big euc's.
It would have to be Cinci lxt.....I got access to trees down here.

You shopping for a Lamborghini?

No!! My Daughter has a love for the car so I took her out to the dealership for a tour & pic`s.............she loved it. Hell, I got in trouble for just opening the door on the "cheap" $265,000.00 Gilardo. eh um Sir...please do not touch the Lambo`s, LOL

Seer.........did you get roasted for improper use of an aboriculture ascending device?? LMFAO.......the article writer, guru of trees, advocate of all that is tree good seer of the universe????? WOW.

Give em hell Treevet!!!!

The problem with your statement is you are looking at one tree. The biggest fatigue factor for a climber is ascension, so it often allows an extra tree or two at the end of a long day.

I find that with big trees it has changed my pattern in the tree. I treat it as several pitches where I work down a side/section then use The Toy to go back up again to reset.

On wooded areas where I am working several trees from a single pitch, I will use The Toy as my TIP. Building clearance is a breeze when there is a good SRT multi-crotch lace for the ascent rope.

Even with evergreens I can work up one, and then down another (Paul cautions against working on ascent with the Wraptor, CYA on his part).

I use it on removals, with my spikes on, and I can go up with several blocks, a saw, and rigging line on my saddle w/o any real effort.

It makes it so much easier to set a block in an adjacent tree that I might not w/o the toy, because it is a PITA to set/retrieve.

When there is a groundguy with throwball skills, then things are that much more efficient.

Another tool where the assumptions of those who have never used it are counter-productive.

What size saw are you bringing up and what is your weight? Thanks for the post.
I just can't get my mind around anyone not seeing the benefits to effortless ascent .:dizzy:
I got my big shot as soon as I could afford it and am going to try and save for the wraptor next and the next Ice storm will pay big dividends.
I just can't get my mind around anyone not seeing the benefits to effortless ascent .:dizzy:

Kinda what I was thinkin when I ordered it. Also more productivity was a real seller for me. I am sure I'm not going to regret it when I clip in and take my first ride. Can't wait!! It's goin to be like this guy>:yoyo: I owe I owe it's up,cut and down I go!
Seer.........did you get roasted for improper use of an aboriculture ascending device?? LMFAO.......the article writer, guru of trees, advocate of all that is tree good seer of the universe????? WOW.


Leave ol' Seer alone. The tree was perfectly safe throughout. ;)

Besides, his little mistake really wasn't that bad. He was always tied on.
Took my first flight on Thursday and it was spectacular. I love this device. Lots of power and just fast enough. Can't wait to go do some large deadwooding jobs.