Have at it? What is "it"?? The geezers is not about pissing contests, unlike almost every thread you join in on. :sword:How bout you and me just set up a contest and have at it with witnesses. I don't have time for that extravagance right now...I just bought a new crane and paying the bills is where it is at for me right now.
More toys, more bills, more work. More toys,...then ya die, and give the bills to yer kidz. Not the plan I want to follow; though it does make an almost-convincing alibi. And I'm as enthusiastic as you about the wraptor, but it's not a Tool for clubbing others.
O and if there has to be a contest, my money's on holden and his ladder and polesaw in many trees, most maples for instance in my parts.

Happy New Year! Come to Columbus on Valentine's Day, and we'll laugh about AS. After all, it ain't real, ya know...