Well I guess you had to be there. The tree didn't fit in the yard I had to drop it into.
I'm in Angie's List, in the thirty reviews I have there I've been given straight "A"s in the category called "pricing" by the customers I've "overcharged". In fact, I've received straight "A"s in all five categories where they are asked to give a letter grade.
People pay me for my demonstrated skill and experience. Others are cheaper, and I win many bids where I am nowhere near the cheapest.
Here is a link from the Angie's List web site where I was singled out for my excellence of service:

limb up halfway on spikes and a lanyard, flop the top half in that bigass whole yard I see, back on the ground in 20-30 minutes at the most.
another hour of cutting and up the road I'd go. without hauling, $400.00
add cleanup and hauling double that. big pines are easy to get down, a ##### to load out. ####ing SAP.
I win over 3/4 of my bids, and get a lot of repeat calls. but I sub out all the clean up and hauling here in northern Illinois and the economy here is brutal.
you get that kinda money, good for you, but you'd starve in half the country charging that much. sounds like I should work for you, a contract climber is an answer to your problem of good help, but we ain't cheap.
You like tooting that horn, too, huh? Angies's list is written by clueless HO's.
you just got on here bro, slow your roll, this aint a competition.

I ain't mad, I'm jealous........