So true gentleman!!!
I don't always need a Kioti NX series, but when a big job arises it sure comes in handy. For instance, several months ago my neighbor had 2 large oak trees dropped. Both approx. 28-30" in diameter. I was able to get the wood for free, and get it to my house quickly. A series size or two under mine would have required two-three times the trips and a bunch of short logs/rounds versus much fewer regular sized logs. Another example, I had to pick up and move a 2 cubic yard dumpster full of trash at my house approx. a 1200' distance away for the driveway to get paved. The Kioti with forks picked it right up, a Kubota BX sized machine...….yeah no.
For driving on grass a lot though a smaller machine would be gentler on the turf. Hence the addition of the Ford 1700.
I think the real solution here is to have multiple machines. Seriously, its pretty hard to get one machine that's perfectly suited for all tasks.