361 Junkie
Does nobody have a basement?
Very few basements out here in the wild west. 90% crawl spaces under houses. Basements are in really old houses here, or the other side of the Rockies.
Does nobody have a basement?
Dude, even the guys in this thread say that 36 hours pushed by the dealers is bunk and for it to run the best you load it 2-3x a day.
If your stove pipe is going out through a concrete wall and you put up concrete backer board or whatever on the ceiling, you could have the fire atop the stove and not catch the house on fire, but hey, justify it however you want.
Wrong. 36 hours is crap , unless it is spring or fall. If we have a 25 to 30 degree day and 5 to 10 degree night (80 percent of winter days here) it will easily go 24 hours. I check it in the morning and night . If it gets real cold (5 for a high and -15 for a low ) i load it once at night (5 pm) and once in the morning (7pm) .
Imported from POLAND????
Man, good luck with:
Fitting sizes
Parts availability
Electrical (50 Hz in Europe)
Build quality
Forget a warantee
Bad enough with all the fly-by-night boiler companies in the US and Canada.
Read: AVOID!!!!