Saw a craigslist ad last night, tree equip for sale . Ladders, rakes, pole pruners, and oh by the way a 200t for 200 bucks. Called this morning, a guy already bought the ladders, and was coming to look at the saw, be there in an hour or so. I asked if it ran he said yes. I told him it was sold be there in 45 min. Got there, it fired right up, done deal. He asked if I was interested in any other saws, I said maybe, whatcha got? 440 sitting in a pool of bar oil in its case. He said It was sitting for a year or so, I went to use it, and saw all that oil. I offered 50 he said ok, 3 pull start, cleaned it up, and it's been sitting on a spotless white towel for 6 hours now. It was a good day.
And yes , I know, I suck.
And yes , I know, I suck.