PD, I don't see where I insulted your intelligence. Lots of smart people are wrong, on a fairly regular basis. I also don't see, or need, anyone riding my shirt tails. All it does is stretch my shirt out.
I'm quite certain that in your time in the military you have met people you disagree with, and even dislike. This is a public forum, and many of those same types will be here as well. Most often, it's best to just respectfully disagree with them, or ignore them all together. Arguing or name calling just drags you down to their level. (For a million examples of this, simply visit the Political forum

FYI, classing everyone here as recreational weekend burners is a big mistake on your part. There are some, but there are also a bunch of guys that have been cutting wood to stay warm all their lives, much like you. Some could teach you a thing or two, and likely there are some tricks we could learn from you as well.
Kudos to you for offering to help your fellow soldiers, and might I suggest checking out
http://www.arboristsite.com/community/threads/oklahoma-ar-mo-ks-tx-gtg.158438/unread - fast forward to the end and introduce yourself, unless you've got time to read 1138 pages - there are guys there that host a charity cut, and likely some that would help with one you put on as well. We do similar up here in WI as well, and it's the most fun I have with a chainsaw.
What am I saying? There's still a ton of good on this forum, and if everyone, myself included, kept from posting stuff they wouldn't say in front of their momma, I wouldn't have to do anything but read here. I'd be fine with that. Just try having a little more positive attitude, even I get fed up from time to time and want to rip people a new one. It's better just to walk away for a while then.
Gotta go, my crayon's down to a stub.