Craigslist laughs

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Mighty Mac and the way back machine

I saw the ad an hour after it was posted at ten am. No phone number in ad. Smart man at that price. I sent an email stating that I would take it, giving my name and location. No word heard all day long. I figured that it was gone.

He called about 6:00 pm. Wanted to know if I was still interested? Yes, of course. When can I get it? How about tomorrow afternoon he replied. I'm not that far away, I said, how about tonite? He called his dad, okay, but dad is not going to negotiate. Guess what? I am not going to either. I remember the mighty mac brand of chipper shredders from my rental store clerking days back in the 70's.

We show up. Dad is getting up there and he can't pull start the thing anymore. He still heats with wood but they "buy it in" now. He has a WWll sticker on the back window of his truck cap. I wanted to offer to come in and split his wood for him out of respect for what his generation has done for this country, but I knew that it wouldn't last. We visited as long as we could but it was getting dark and although there are little highway tires, there are no lights.

Finally, we had to leave. Said our goodbyes, expressed our thanks and got home a bit after dark. Nothing here to split except what was too much to split by hand. That little 7 hp Briggs busted through the knarleys like nobodies business. Those new halogen headliights that they put in cars now a days make fine splitting task lighting.

Craigslist. Every once in a while you hit one out of the park.

Thank you Mr. Turner for your service and for such a fair deal.


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1997 Jeep Cherokee

1997 Jeep Cherokee - $1750 (Enid, OK )
image 1image 2image 3image 4image 5image 6image 7image 8image 9
1997 Jeep Cherokee (XJ)
220K Miles
4.0 L in-line 6
AUTOMATIC Transmission
Bright Red
Straight Stock
Crank Windows, no cruise, no tilt, no delay wiper, no nonsense


Here's the deal, kids:
This is a Jeep Cherokee. This is not a luxury SUV, or a maintenance-free disposable import. It has solid front axles, wind noise, and character.
It's a Jeep. It rides like a Jeep. It drives like a Jeep. All of these are GOOD things.
It is not new, it is not pristine, it is used. This will be apparent in the pictures.

If you do not own a toolbox, have never changed your own oil, and are scared of firearms: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
If you have been posting on facebook all about how excited you are for pumpkin latte season: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
If you get offended easy and often, whine to your co-workers, and ##### a lot: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
If you feel you are owed anything in the world & have a bull#### job where you fail to produce: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
If you own a bieber album, white oakleys, affliction t-shirts, or those candy-assed stitched-pocket jeans: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.
If you consider the 2nd Amendment an anachronistic relic and have never owned a firearm: THIS VEHICLE IS NOT FOR YOU.

If, however, you have BALLS OF STEEL and consider adverse weather an excuse to do stupid ####: THIS IS YOUR JEEP.
Do you laugh at danger, and tempt fate?
Have you ever uttered the words, "Hold my beer and watch this ..."?
While bored at work do you pick targets at random and think, "I could hit that from here with the .22 ..."?
Have any of your friends quit hanging out because you were too much fun?
Do you have the number of a friend with cash memorized for bail?
When you pass an abandoned flatbed farm truck along a fenceline do you consider taking on another project?
Is your ol' lady really sick of the random piles of parts, greasy footprints, and empty beer bottles in the garage?
-could you not care less?
Do you have Jalopnik saved on your laptop AND smartphone?
Do you own a service manual for every vehicle you ever owned?
Do you still miss your first ride?
Can you carry on a two hour conversation discussing tools, scars, and hi-lift jacks?
Remember when tool companies had the balls to put half-naked beauty queens on their calendars?
Do you consider the Prius an abominable affront to the Gods of displacement, torque, and All Mighty Internal Combustion?

If you answered in the affirmative to the preceding: THIS IS YOUR JEEP.

-I am the second owner. First owner barely got it dirty and engaged the front axles once.
-I have remedied this excessive caretaking with muddy roads and a pile of fun.
-The motor uses a little oil. How much? I don't know, I'm not collecting statistical analysis points.
I check the oil, I fill the oil, I drive. Not enough to bother me.
-It leaks a little oil. How much? Not enough for me to care. It has 220,000 miles, Poindexter!
If you have a vehicle with 220K NOT leaking or burning oil, it's empty!
-Rear bumper has a big-ass crease in it. I dented it backing into a concrete pole. Sober.
We drove away giggling, for the record. Haven't fixed it.
-Driver's side door was caught by the wind, whipped forward, got into the LF quarter panel.
-Radiator has a small leak. Pinhole. I can replace the radiator or you can. Really doesn't matter
A new radiator and hoses will run $145. If you don't want to replace them I will.
Add $250 to the price of vehicle. This includes radiator, hoses, and labor (beer). A freaking bargain.
-The badass little 4.0L bullet-proof in-line six starts and runs like the proverbial champ.
-Tranny and 4WD operate perfectly
-Tires will need replaced in a couple thousand miles. I haven't upgraded because I had plans:
Had planned a small lift, upgrade to 17" Wrangler wheels, and more aggressive tires.
Life got in the way - it ain't happening.
-Zombie stickers on the right rear window stay. My daughter's idea, take it up with her.
-Flogging Molly sticker stays as well. They kick ass, so there.

-Why are you selling?
I can't justify owning it anymore. Motorsickles, kiddos, work, travel, and beer have consumed my time and money.
Someone else needs to appreciate the Jeep for what it is: awesome mechanical artistry.

-What's wrong with it?
Radiator. Small oil leaks. Driver's side door cosmetic issues.
And it's pissed it has been neglected and parked. It needs rescued.

-Does the 4WD work?
Hell yes. Like a ####ensian Orphan.

-Will you sell me the [engine / tranny / rear door / axle / etc.]?
No. I'm not in the salvage business. Buy the Jeep. Love the Jeep. Give the Jeep a home.

-Will you take [insert ridiculously stupid low number here]?
No. If I wanted [ridiculously low number] I would have asked [ridiculously low number]
Want a cheap car? Get your kid that lowered tuner piece of #### honda project down the road.
I think I'm plenty cheap for this bad mofo.

-Why is it still stock?
Because I bought it for a daily driver with the intention of turning it into a project.
I haven't had the time to do so. So I am selling it.

-Can I put a 6" lift and giant tires on it?
I don't give a ####. But be sure to use quality components and for God's sake - get it aligned after a lift!

-Would this make a good car for my daughter?
Hell. Yes. Not only a good car, a learning experience. Introduction to vehicular maintenance.
Additionally, there isn't really enough room in the back for that little bastard she's dating to try anything.

-Can you deliver?
Within reason. I'd drive it a hundred miles or so. But really, you should come get it. Look it over. Have a beer. Etc.

-Will you take a check / cashier's check / Western Union Transfer / Nigerian Promissory Note?
Would you take a ball pein hammer to the forehead?
No. I'll take Cash. Period. Bring cash or don't show.

-Will you ship to -?
No. See above.

-No, really, all I have is [lowball dollar amount]?
That's great, I don't give a ####. Unicef ain't running this deal, and until they do I want $1750.
Why? Because I don't HAVE to sell this little beauty. Truth be known, I'd rather keep it.
But if it's going to a good home - I will sell. Unless you're an ####### - then no sale.

-Why are you such a ####?
Everything is relative; you should see my friends.

Any other questions, feel free to reply to this email and ask.

Location: Enid, OK
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

I wish Enid was closer, I'd go have a beer with him! This guy should start writing ads for a living! He did so good I want to buy it and I have no use for it what so ever!
craigslist lie

I found an add saying 20-25 trees cut down around house come over cut up logs take some wood

set day and time for tomorrow morning loaded truck gas up ready to go

he emails me at midnight,i was going over at 9am

saying ad was wrong trees still standing around his house and i could have a couple if i cut them all down what a d----

after dealing with him for a couple of days

first thing i asked was if trees are down- i will limb and cut up for a little wood

Free wood -- for you cutting my tree (LeClaire)
I have 3 trees that desperately need removed. If you need experience, this is the opportunity for you, because it's not going to be easy. It is overhanging my neighbors garage. I need this done asap. I am on disability (verifieable) and I do run a non profit from my home (verifiable). If you'd like to to "pay it forward" this is a good opportunity. Or, I'm willing to barter for the work, or pay as much as I possibly can. Please pray about this and reply to this email. thank you.
I replied to an add on Facebook, Guy thinks he has a gold mine. I have several of these trailers, they are cheap and I use the heck out of them. I pasted in a picture for y'all.

Him:I am wanting to trade my trailer for a running, jeep or pick up. I have clean title. No mechanic specials

Me: I will give you $100.00 for the trailer.

Him: Just the bed is worth more than that but thanks

I have two of them already, would have been nice to have a third. Maybe I will trade them for running Jeeps.


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Free Christmas Trees (Hagerstown)

FREE CHRISTMAS TREES. We have about 8 beautiful, well shaped Blue Spruce Christmas trees. They are about 22=-25 ft tall. A few smaller ones. They are getting too big for our lawn and we will give them away. You must cut. Take one or take all. Not responsible for injuries.

Free Christmas Trees (Hagerstown)

FREE CHRISTMAS TREES. We have about 8 beautiful, well shaped Blue Spruce Christmas trees. They are about 22=-25 ft tall. A few smaller ones. They are getting too big for our lawn and we will give them away. You must cut. Take one or take all. Not responsible for injuries.

If only I had a tree spade...
FREE MOBILE HOME....may have a few critters or other undesirables, but what the heck...ITS FREE!!!

One of my brothers got something like that and knocked holes in it and some walls out and is now his mini hay storage barn. He buys in small round bales and pushes them inside by hand....

I could see getting something like that for a shop as well.

Free Christmas Trees (Hagerstown)

FREE CHRISTMAS TREES. We have about 8 beautiful, well shaped Blue Spruce Christmas trees. They are about 22=-25 ft tall. A few smaller ones. They are getting too big for our lawn and we will give them away. You must cut. Take one or take all. Not responsible for injuries.

Just what I've been wanting for my 25 ft. ceilings!
Just what I've been wanting for my 25 ft. ceilings!

Hmm..actually if well shaped, the tops cut at around 7 foot would proly make 80-100 dollar christmas trees in the right market. And you could buck up the rest and split thin for some kindling I guess, and use the green branches for wreathes. I got one, once, a long time ago like that.

That's one of the better craigslist, here come cut my trees, listings I have seen as long as no big hazard in the way. But still, just shorties like that, pull them over any which a way you need to.
I was thinking the same about the tops. Hadn't thought of using the rest of it though.

I'd love it if someone would transplant them to my place. I have just the spot for them. :cool:


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