I have two kids. But the law of diminishing returns comes into play with that. 1 kid working=1 kid working...2 kids working=1/2 kid working....3 kids working=1/3 kid working...4+ kids=pretty much nothing getting done..
I had a group of kids come out to help pick pumpkins one time from a boy scout troop. Might as well have done it myself blindfolded.
I see some management training is needed here. There are two main ways to motivate kids - fear and reward. With my own kids, they do what I tell them because disobedience means pain, and life is so much better for them to obey their papa. Unfortunately, swatting other kids is now frowned upon (or grounds for a lawsuit), so you can do what I do when I have kid workers - pay them and bark at them, saying that if they don't get moving faster their wages will be cut. It's much better to have them work by the job rather than by the hour. For example, pay them a certain amount to split a cord of wood, rather than work for a couple hours. That way they faster they work, the more they earn per hour. If you have a bunch of kids, it's often good to make a scapegoat out of the rotten one. Be hard on him and if he's just a lazy jerk, fire him in front of the others. That will motivate the others to work harder, and give the kid a good lesson in life. If you don't, then he will bring the rest of the group down. Happens every time. Good school teachers know this tactic. Had it used on me once, actually. Government teacher blasted me the first day of school, letting everyone know where the line was and what would happen if it was crossed. Never had a problem all year from me or anyone else.
Anyway, this is the Craigslist thread, not Uncle's Advice thread, so here's a typical one again.
Free Pin Oak Tree For Firewood or Building Lumber (St. Peters, MO)
Need to call me and not email, for some reason I can't reply to CL email.
Wasn't certain where to place this ad but I have a large (circumference is 84 inches at base) pin oak tree that I want taken down and thought someone may want to take it down with no cost to me for the huge amount of oak firewood for this coming cold season. May want to use the limbs for firewood and take to sawmill for quality oak lumbar/boards.