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Yes does look mighty tempting...a ton of firewood or some nice board slabs!!That's looks like something my stupid butt would get into.....

Yes does look mighty tempting...a ton of firewood or some nice board slabs!!That's looks like something my stupid butt would get into.....
Wow! How much could you possibly get out of it from some Walnut Woodworkers?This guy will probably have a bidding war on his hands! Hahaha
Awful lot of that going on this year , not only walnut but some others as well.That guy must think walnut is a precious metal.
HA! That's about 20 miles from here.Better jump on this hella deal on a splitter:
Maybe in south Florida....
My thoughts exactly...perhaps a local hobbit will nab it up!Barbie doll house maybe.....
Yep...many are still debating the difference between a "tree & firewood!"Looking at the free section in the Green Bay, WI area..... 'bout 20 posts for "free wood" in the form of stand trees. Only problem is they'd need some of you mofessional tree climbers to chunk it down. They're gonna get some yay-hoo come and drop some decent sized branches/trees on the house/garage/swing set. Wish there were some before and after pics of these firewood posts.... could start a thread of it's own I'm sure.
I need cheap/free firewood - $20 (crestwood)
I am looking for either free or cheap firewood. I'll pay 20 for a truck load of wood. Doesn't matter what kind.
Text Greg at 205 746 463one if u can help. Thanks
what the F--- is her problemAs some of you know, I has a great score on C.L a couple of weeks ago (see Craiglist Locust).So, with high hopes, I answered another "Free Firewood" ad a few days ago by providing my name, address and # to the e-mail account.I got a call yesterday from the woman who told me that she had two trees down, and if I did "a little work" I could have the wood.I didn't hang up until she had mentioned 'new roof', 'replace rotted fascia and soffit' and, I think, 'paint'.After all, she said, she was "just a woman" and couldn't do these things! I just want to know whose ex-wife this was...