Oak tree trunk, 4' wide (Fairview Heights)
PPU Oak tree trunk, 4' wide, free. No rotting. Span is 4' at the base. Very nice for furniture, crafts, whatever.
The trunk is approximately 25-30' tall and has been felled. You must take the entire trunk. Contact by call or text.
If it weren't going to rain tomorrow, I'd be calling on this one. That place will be muddy for a few days. We'll see if it's still there by the weekend.

PPU Oak tree trunk, 4' wide, free. No rotting. Span is 4' at the base. Very nice for furniture, crafts, whatever.
The trunk is approximately 25-30' tall and has been felled. You must take the entire trunk. Contact by call or text.
If it weren't going to rain tomorrow, I'd be calling on this one. That place will be muddy for a few days. We'll see if it's still there by the weekend.