Priorities.... this guy has them.
Need to sell this stuff to buy an ax - $15 (Portage/Montello)
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I have gone through my belongings and found some things to part with. I am in desperate need of a new splitting ax sooner than later. The items I have are as follows:
Older Jack LaLanne juicer. Could use a good cleaning, works great- $20
Oregon D70 Chain saw chain NIB- $10
Asphalt fiber roof coating, brand new, unopened- $15
Poulan leaf blower, needs work- $20
Uniden scanner. Scans police, fire, etc.- $50
45' long 4' high chain link fence- $40
50,000-80,000 BTU Propane convection heater w/ 2 20 lb tanks- $65
All prices are OBO,