Commie Satan turd
Yeah they appear occasionally around here and vanish almost instantly.
Don't sell and don't wait to split more just split less then normal don't let yourself get out of the wood splitting groove it sucks to get going againI spent $500 on mine a couple of years ago and grumble about it everytime I look at it. It's homebuilt and 20+ years old, but splits almost anything I put on it. Then I think about how much I've split with it and didn't risk a heart attack swinging the maul and I get over it. I have about 5 years of wood onhand right now and have even considered selling it and just buying another in a few years when I'll need to restock.
Don't sell and don't wait to split more just split less then normal don't let yourself get out of the wood splitting groove it sucks to get going again
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
Free wood from a tree i cut down, you come cut it up and i will help load, will even give gas for the chainsaw
Not a bad deal, free gas and labor.....heh
Point them to the pile of seasoned and splitting rail road ties.
Buyer (e-mail): "call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you still have the leaf blower" (no name).
Me (I call - no answer).
Buyer (10 minutes later - calls): "Hello"
Me: "Hello"
Buyer: "Who is this?"
Me: "You just called me"
Buyer: "Your number was on my caller ID"
Me: "Oh, did you contact me about something on CraigsList?"
Buyer: "Maybe. What are you selling?"
Me: "Was it maybe about a leaf blower?"
Buyer: "Which one are you selling?"
Me: "A Ryobi"
Buyer: "Can you send me a picture of it?"
Me: "Um, it's in the ad, with all of the details about it . . . "
This is one that I think I will meet at Caribou if he sets up an appointment . . .
Have had the exact same thing to a TEE. Not sure what they are smoking.