The best is when someone messages you on something for sale that definitely needs to be inspected before an offer is made and they offer you 1/3 of the asking price. I almost feel like saying yes and the showing up with a junked but very similar item just to see their respomse. "Well you told me you would give me $xxx in email!"Buyer (e-mail): "call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you still have the leaf blower" (no name).
Me (I call - no answer).
Buyer (10 minutes later - calls): "Hello"
Me: "Hello"
Buyer: "Who is this?"
Me: "You just called me"
Buyer: "Your number was on my caller ID"
Me: "Oh, did you contact me about something on CraigsList?"
Buyer: "Maybe. What are you selling?"
Me: "Was it maybe about a leaf blower?"
Buyer: "Which one are you selling?"
Me: "A Ryobi"
Buyer: "Can you send me a picture of it?"
Me: "Um, it's in the ad, with all of the details about it . . . "
This is one that I think I will meet at Caribou if he sets up an appointment . . .
Billboard tarps are a favourite down here too. Cheap and more betterer than alternatives.
I would do that one, if it was not too far away, and I had a suitable pick up or trailer. Wood looks good, and the metal scrappers around here would take the gates if left out back.Free wood but only if you take my trash too.....
Heck, I work at a sawmill and we cut 2×4's out of pine logs that small. 6-10" not 6-10'
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