You know those scam emails you get from time to time? "Hello, I introduce myself as Mr. Matthew Habibe, a prince of Nigeria. You have been to me recommended as a person of trustworthiness who can assist me in transferring the sum of $1500000,00 out of my country..." You read those and you think, who would be taken in by an illiterate scammer like this? But the illiterate English is deliberate. It's there to screen out suspicious people. If you're sharp enough that the pidgin English sets your spider-sense tingling, they don't want you. They want the people dumb or credulous enough to miss that cue.Well I can see that reading comprehension & math isn't on the advertiser's list of accomplishments. Or perhaps a really good con artist.
These always make me laugh. Trying to get a $1500 (or more) job done for free.
"remove my trees and keep the wood. standing birch, dogwood and oak". Those trees are within their height of a house, if I know that area as well as I think they do. Removing those trees are typically an $800/tree job with removal of the fallen wood. They got a quote and do not understand why prices are so high.What does it say? The text is blurry.
Damn, I would jump on that too! thats a steal. Too bad they have to sell.View attachment 541186
No laugh here. Man, I wish I could jump on this, but our stupid town forbids chickens.
View attachment 541186
No laugh here. Man, I wish I could jump on this, but our stupid town forbids chickens.
View attachment 541186
I raised ducks and chickens for 3 years. Where I live has a no "livestock". Well it doesn't say no pets. Tell you what, my pet ducks and chickens were tasty!
No laugh here. Man, I wish I could jump on this, but our stupid town forbids chickens.
View attachment 541186
No laugh here. Man, I wish I could jump on this, but our stupid town forbids chickens.