It sounds funny but the true commercial furniture brands of chairs sometimes come with a forever guarantee. My coworker had one that I think was a Steelcase in about that condition. He called them up and they send him a new one.Office Chair hide this posting
condition: fair
Office chair, on rollers, adjustable height and back. Sturdy, needs covered or upolstered. Free by curb, grab and go. I will deleted when gone
post id: 6050438906
- do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
posted: about 2 hours ago
email to friend
♥ best of [?]
Wormy Chestnut may seem high priced till you run across the older Chestnut pre worm infestation! I saw one article in wood workers mag that went on and on about how much care the people put into disassembly and planning for use.I dont know how to paste the page so heres the link to some wormy chestnut reclaimed lumber .
I searched for some pricing, and couldnt find any, but its high dollar wood.
Don't you have a 16" poulan or hutzl or some other "loaner". I've got a 10" or so recent Mc that was given to me and placed out of the way in the shed, may run don't really think so. It is my loaner; if it doesn't work take it up to "Family Center" & have it fixed or I'll use my other saw to take care of it for you.If that tree was local and since I like free scrounge. I would buck it myself and load it, as long as i didnt have to take the brush. I doubt the 2 or 3 cord claim, and I wouldnt loan him my saw.
Sometimes when I see this stuff, I feel like contacting them and scheduling an appointment to come check it out. Then when I'm about 4 hours late, call and say I had a flat, and coming from MD I'll have to reschedule, maybe in two weeks. Call a couple times in between to let them know I'm really interested. Then when I'm a couple hours late for that appointment call and check to make sure they "STILL" have the tree, say I'm sorry for being late again, and reschedule for another later date. All the time hoping they went out and bought a new car thinking they had a live fish on the line, Joe.
Sometimes when I see this stuff, I feel like contacting them and scheduling an appointment to come check it out. Then when I'm about 4 hours late, call and say I had a flat, and coming from MD I'll have to reschedule, maybe in two weeks. Call a couple times in between to let them know I'm really interested. Then when I'm a couple hours late for that appointment call and check to make sure they "STILL" have the tree, say I'm sorry for being late again, and reschedule for another later date. All the time hoping they went out and bought a new car thinking they had a live fish on the line, Joe.
I would also but it's over an hour and a half away from me.I would take either one of those two in that picture. Just buck and haul it away. No limbing no brushing no dropping down between powerlines no grind the stump no haul awsy brush none of the other conditions on free firewood
Maybe I should have quoted the CL I was responding to. I wouldn't jerk a person around that was really trying to sell something. The one I was responding to was the one offering to let you or me, come take down his Black Walnut for $30,000 dollars. As in, we would pay him $30,000, to let us take it down, Joe.Seems like the typical Craigslist idiot around here.
Needs to have it that very second, but can't understand why I won't halt everything in my life just to accommodate them.
The couple times I've come out of the woods early, it's ended up being for "no show" needed to have it yesterday people.
Then other times I'll have something that's been listed for a long time and someone will just come by the shop, hand over money and that's it. No haggle and doesn't waste half my day hmmming and haaaing over it!
Actually told a guy last week I was going back to work, once he decided to either **** or get off the pot to come find me. Was over a $500 fishing rod and reel I was asking $50 for. He expected a cradle to grave report on ownership, maintenance, use, etc.
I told him multiple times I had found it buried under junk in the shop!