Interesting Craig’sList experience today (long post warning!).
Saw something posted yesterday that I was looking for, and replied right away with my phone number asking to set up a meet.
No reply.
Sent 2 more emails this morning. Finally got a “just saw your email“ response around noon. Said he had it in a yard sale today, but would ‘hold it’. Replied that I would be there within an hour.
Lots of stuff spread down his driveway. I walked around browsing, assuming that he would come out and greet me.
No show.
Knocked on the door. Banged on the door. Yelled through the screen. Knocked on the side door.
No show.
Found ‘my’ item, and a bunch of other things of interest. Unfortunately, I did not have much money with me, only making sure that I have enough for my item, in case he called me when I was out. Thought about throwing the money in the front door along with a note (?).
Finally, heard a noise from the basement, so I yelled into a basement window and he came out. Pretty nice guy.
Told him I would have brought more money, and bought more of his stuff if I had known what he had. He told me what stuff he wanted to keep if it didn’t sell, and what he just wanted gone.
I scraped together a few more dollars of ‘parking meter change’ for a few more things, and he ended up telling me to just take several boxes of stuff he didn’t want; even helped me carry it to my car.
Good thing I wasn’t too judgmental at the start.