crane and i doing our thing

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at least mckee has the balls to tell me this thread sucks.

and whats this with the pm's you say? any of you queers feel like talking #### at least say it and be out front with it.

c'mon man i welcome any one of you mofo's to tell me how you really feel. i don't give a ####.

say it to me, its not hard. hide behind pm's and be a #####.....whats the matter boys you got sand on your vaginas?

Alright alright I have something to say , this thread totally doesn't suck the videos are pretty cool some of the best posted here, with that being said OD you are a whinny little feggot who has a gravy job and stills whines to much , your too skinny , too tall and by the looks of ya smell like silver maple chips left in the truck too long and if theres a MRS. Dirty well than I bet she's a real prize, Ok so how did I do ....PS I was just kidding about MRS Dirty..
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don't hate on me, eddie, because i am so f uck'n talented that it makes you sick with a jealous rage.

you think about me during the day at work don't you, eddie.


besides i know how you feel and i could give 2 chits about it. glad you like the vids but heres the thing. they are not for you they are for the customer. can your company compete with the company i work for eddie? post up a vid of something stellar to back up the chit you talk about what you know.

at the very least i prove what i say.

have you ever had another tree company owner that is strictly crane removal come up and tell you how good a climber you are when he was there to look at the new 375hp grapple chipper? he was there to look at a chipper instead he was talking about the climber.......

thats me eddie. i make an impact. i know it and i tell you that and i show you that and i share it with you.

hey mckee. be so kind and share with me a name of one of these mutts with the whispering behind my back skills.

like i just said to eddie don't hate me because i am better than you at the game.

c'mon ladies tell me why you don't like me. i'd love to hear it.
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c'mon ladies tell me why you don't like me. i'd love to hear it.

Ok, you asked for it. And even though you probably won't admit it, i do have more crane experience than you, so that should qualify me to make some remarks. :laugh:

Seriously though, i loved the videos. You never see enough good crane working vids. It's hard for me to judge the work from those videos though. Although i get picked on for it, i liken crane work to dancing. You and your partner need to be in sync in order to be smooth and clean. These videos show that oldirty is good, but i look for smaller things, more technical aspects that these videos are going too fast to show. I think oldirty could perhaps be a bit smoother. He has a couple bad habits that stick out a bit to me, and he has one tendency that makes me cringe every time i see it and would get him #####ed out by my crane operator. But it's no big deal, just different working styles. There's no reason for me to nitpick-he got the jobs done, and while he's not the best i've ever seen, i've seen a whole lot more that were a whole lot worse. It's hard to talk crap about a video when i'm not there and don't know all the nuances of the job or the situation. (We do need to get together someday, though.) Personally, if he stays with this company doing these types of jobs, i think in a couple of years he will be one of the go-to crane guys in the northeast. Because if you think about it, he's doing more crane jobs in a day that 95% of treemen do all year.

I say keep up the good work and keep the videos coming.
you my friend are more than welcome to visit the crew and maybe if you want catch a few hours on the clock working with us. be happy to have you.
Thats funny but I don't need to swing from the crane or in a tree I own my trucks all six of them and all three stump cutters and chippers ,skidders , you name it , and I may have one so who's doing what , maybe you should open your eyes and stop making someone else mucho money and then I'll show you whats up...And just for :censored: and giggles I work....
Thats funny but I don't need to swing from the crane or in a tree I own my trucks all six of them and all three stump cutters and chippers ,skidders , you name it , and I may have one so who's doing what , maybe you should open your eyes and stop making someone else mucho money and then I'll show you whats up...And just for :censored: and giggles I work....

i bet all your equipment is beat up like your wife's box.
Dude!, You need to calm down-what's your problem? Who are you talking to and why are they " *******"> Tough guy sure sounds sensitive.
Jeff, :)

He's P off cause someone talking about him supposedly , let it go OD hate will get ya no where in life , just breath a little and remember you are the man Blahh hahaha .. nevermind that only makes me laugh..
i dont know who the they are jeff. thats what i am kindly asking for their opinion.

Who stop being such a ****** and say there names , jeez I would seriously beat you down if you were within my reach are you bostoners such homos ,we know how bad your hockey team sucks,
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Just cause someone says others are talking schit about you in pm's don't mean others are talking schit about you necessarily.

That's an old ploy OD.
i dont know who the they are jeff. thats what i am kindly asking for their opinion.

Kindly? lol Seriously though, this site is full of backstabbers w/out the balls to say what they think in an open forum. It's bull#### if you ask me. I get sick and tired of hearing about how many pm's someone got regarding this and that, and who said what; it's childish and annoying.
Who stop being such a ****** and say there names , jeez I would seriously beat you down if you were within my reach are you bostoners such homos , say there names you'll feel better i think that dude is pulling your chain..

You live in Jersey and your talking crap about Boston lol. I got mad as hell at a guy in a convenience store while asking directions wife held me back and I am a peaceable man. I have found many in the NE are crap talking sogs. I guess that is the way they are lol but here it will get your ass beat. Having said that I think it is just different communication habits.
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