Probably a good idea to go play in the box your kids came from on mothers day....I still would rather think that cylinder is the exception instead of the rule.
If Stihl Inc was to read this thread they would have grounds to sue Brad, no joke they do. However they don't bother with non-sense like this, they build equipment, not roll in BS.
2010 all this saw building stuff is gonna ceased when the EPA starts looking at this site and see's who breaking the laws, not paying taxes on the money switching hands.
Tommy...that's the Stanley Cup of horse hockey.
Remember the top post above? Where mahle couldn't keep up with demand? So Stihl was making their own?
Now that cylinder, which is no where marked 'Mahle,' has magically morphed into a Mahle cylinder?
Like others have correctly pointed out, you went from Step A to Step J, and you didn't hit a single gol-danmed letter in between.
Your horse hockey just got called for icing.
Lay it down, Tommy. I hate to mix my sports analogies, but even your cut man can't stand it anymore.
Don't answer that bell. I'm afraid it tolls for thee.
Woodie, you seem to have a comprehension problem, it seems to be a continuing pattern, where did I say in regards too this issue, nothing specific just in general.
Probably a good idea to go play in the box your kids came from on mothers day....I still would rather think that cylinder is the exception instead of the rule.
Indian, I can assure you any issue with my comprehension springs from your writing...not my reading.
As an example, can you give us all some sort of idea as to what the hell you have strung together above?
Woodie, you seem to have a comprehension problem, it seems to be a continuing pattern, where did I say in regards too this issue, nothing specific just in general. I'll say it again in a different manner, so you get my meaning.
I'll take the word of a experienced tech of any brand of saw on any subject over and enthusiast, if the tech has been at it for years and is experienced, whether its chain saws, cars, trucks, planes, trains whatever it is that needs worked on.
All you give a damn about is bashing Stihl. The cylinder sucked, I hope Husky doesn't have the same issue but it seems possible since they use the same supplier who mfgs in Brazil and China.
I couldn't give a damn about which brand of saw is in my hands as long as it is dependable and does what I want it to. Hell send me a 372 and we'll run the crap out of it with no prejudice, probably be just as good or better than anything I've got. Send me a Dolmar same thing.
You just stay on the band wagon get your saw modded run the thing at 15k and we'll see how long it last using it like we do. It will fail sooner that that sorry cylinder that was used as an example, and thats just my opinion which isn't worth a damn as I'm not a saw guru, I just put good mix in them, bar oil, use sharp chains and maintain them at the end of every day I use them,
they don't sit on a shelf to look pretty nor I use them to cut cookies and
any of the major brands, preferably of European origin work for me.
You guys need to grow up and get over the Stihl vs Husky issue, your not in High School any more, it's just like Ford and Chevy after you mature you couldn't give a crap less, long as it gets you there.
Hey I stopped reading the other day at page 36, do you think it is worth my time to go back and catch up? Did I miss anything? Any new breakthrough's?
So far Skipper and Gilligan are still stuck on the island, no one knows what the hell indiansprings is talking about, and Timmy is trapped under the tractor again...
We've gone from sublime to ridiculous to...wait. What's more ridiculous than ridiculous?
Unless Brad actually lives in Brazil...and made the cylinder himself to bring down the evil empire! Long live the rebellion!
Here's another gem. Stihl has better things to do than read a chainsaw forum, but the EPA doesn't?
In this country, anyone can sue anyone else for anything.
Stihl would be laughed out of court for that one, though. The case would be dismissed with prejudice, Brad would sue successfully for malicious prosecution, and Hans Peter Stihl would be brought to the town square and bich-slapped before God and man.
Anybody figured out which is better yet brand "A" or brand "B"?
Probly would be more fun, I see another same ole player has arrived, you wanna use my shovel or would you rather hold the bucket,hehe
So far Skipper and Gilligan are still stuck on the island, no one knows what the hell indiansprings is talking about, and Timmy is trapped under the tractor again...
LOL, Woodie show me you got a set, man up, did it say 1.6HP or, come on let me hear it. Come on, let me hear you say what it really said, come on, just say what it said, easy to type, repeat after me,, not 1.6HP like you was blow harding about as usual,LOLOL
What does this have to do with that cylinder?
Dismissed my butt. No body here could win a case against Stihl, the wording and way of posting could really get him in deep doo doo. Look at the few here have thought against buying a Stihl since reading, that is grounds for "loss of sales" right there. Do you really think he could win???
What does 98% of these posts have to do with anything?