Crappy Stihl Cylinder - Looks like ChiCom Garbage!!!

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1) The cylinder was a bad casting that found its way thru QA to a saw and was sold to a customer who wasn't pleased with how that saw ran..sent it to a "HOP UP" artist (A true Technician) who found this lousy casting. A defective part. An anomoly.

Yep an anomoly that looks just like anomolies I have seen in 3 other Stihl saw models on saws built within the last year or so.

It's not a matter of just stamping Mahle or Stihl on the jugs the trade marks are cast in, in the case of these latest offerings it however looks as if the same stihl quality is not being cast in.
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Tommie is trying, for the 50th time, to change the subject of this thread from Stihl's ethics and quality control to anything that will get him off the hotseat for rubbing people's noses in stihl's supposed quality.

It is not, however, working. People are seeing through it, and most are questioning why he continues to defend stihl's quality and stihl's business practices, which more and more are being found to be substandard.


Possibly...but this thread really has so many implications.. I wish the old battles would stop for a few minutes and let us try and get answers not with their roots in years old arguing contests but the real measure of the situation. I'm still not buying the claim Stihl is out sourcing their way into quality hell. I am waiting for an honest response relative to the frequency of these type of QA glitches and the dealers support from Stihl when they run into them. That is more important then the bickering between board members who have been bickering for years. This is a fundemental set of questions. Ones that we may be asking of Husqvarna some day as well so carefull what expectations you place on Stihl.

Was that a bad casting that snuck thru QA? Was it an Anomoly?
Does Stihl see this cylinder as a bad casting? Will they support their dealers should a change in either the manufacturing process of supplier generate warrentee issues like these? Fundemental questions that speak to the core of this business and require thoughtfull discussion vs. typical brand bashing and member "pride fights". I'm not picking sides here, I just want to know honestly from those who see this stuff every day.
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Well the insight I bring is many in this thread are here to bash, fine with me, I can hang. I have not seen as many cylinders as some of these fellers but the ones I have seen are good. I got 2 peices of OPE made in 2008, a 211 and FS100RX. These bad boys run and they run great. Will I pull their jugs and take a look? Nope, no reason to. If they seize or their perfromance goes down due to a poor cast, I'll take it up with Stihl.

If I were a dealer and someone like a good customer brought me this cylinder off the saw and said, "Look at those ports and that chip". I'd call Stihl about the chip because it might be a issue down the road and let them make the call. If this feller was a d-bag, I'd tell him to put it back on the saw and come back when it's quits. Then say your warranty is out due to me not knowing if it came apart right or went back together right either. Then sell him another saw, LOLOL.

As far as if this is a QC with Stihl, I don't know. If this is their parts for future saws, I might consider looking at other brands if this causes failure and poor performance.

2k, you're a straight shooter, only those who don't know what you mean by your posts would disagree. By nature, I'm as loyal as a dog (go ahead, attack what's mine, or what I agree with, few have enjoyed that experience without wishing they hadn't bothered.) The op's ( and yeah. I'm proud he considers me a friend) wording was extreme, but so is his appreciation of quality (something he stays true to) . Those of us who truly love Stihl will condem that cylinder.
Alot. It proves Woodie doesn't have any gonads. He blows hard but when he is proven wrong he refuses to admit it. He only shows up on Stihl threads to pile on. When Cuttinscott dings J-red with a volley Woodie is the first one to holler your just bashing, gets bent outta shape because thats his brand, other words he can dish it but he can't take it so he just won't answer when you nail him like I did over a cu in verses a hp.

Come on Woodie I'm waiting???

I'm still waiting on your to answer 1 of my questions too. You've avoided question when you don't want to answer. all it proves. Is well, nothing. Just a good old pizzn match that goes nowhere.
Spike is the Charles ####ens* of ArboristSite! :clap:

* 2K, Charles ####ens was an English author of the mid-19th century with a fondness for long sentences.


LOL, I had to think of that last name, it's edited.:ices_rofl: I don't like run on sentences either, I'm sober and my eyes were crossed after reading that.:dizzy:
just because Mahle sells to all major saw builders, that doesn't mean all major saw builders would accept that cylinder as the new quality standard. That assumption is pure BS. AND it isn't clear to me that the cylinder in question is actually a Mahle product...

BINGO.....The problem is, the old washed up champ has had his bell rung so many times he's starting to act like Ali. :dizzy:

If we use your logic

If Tommy's logic is anywhere near as poor as his grammar, his corner should throw in the white towel soon!.....I would hate to see the old fighter lose anymore brain cells! :monkey:
LOL, I had to think of that last name, it's edited.:ices_rofl: I don't like run on sentences either, I'm sober and my eyes were crossed after reading that.:dizzy:

Tell me about it...I had to edit the danm thing three times to get his name to show up in ANY form!! :laugh:

Finally a 'white period' seemed to do the trick!

yep....but you left out the implied threat of legal action....there was that line of crap too.

SO: My conclusions:

1) The cylinder was a bad casting that found its way thru QA to a saw and was sold to a customer who wasn't pleased with how that saw ran..sent it to a "HOP UP" artist (A true Technician) who found this lousy casting. A defective part. An anomoly.

So I want to know:

1) As a result of the responses, I want to know if this is what we are to expect when placing $500 dollars of hard earned bucks into the hands of a Stihl dealer?
2) Will Stihl dealers see this as a bad cylinder and go thru the warrentee process? Or will they attempt to baffle the customer with BS, attempt to change the subject, attempt to threaten a "technician" for finding this cylinder, and attempt finally to rationallize why this porous and improperly finished cylinder is OK.

I want to know:

So Thall...your the best bet for an honest answer. Shoot.

You came back with exactly what I expected. No Brad has no legal thing to worry about. As loud as he screamed over that cylinder no one heard a word.
I thought the legal thing sounded as strong as the hollering over the cylinder, I liked it myself, hehe

Honest answer, you got a honest answer, if its not what you wanted to hear thats your problem. Far as the what I said about Husky go look. Its all there.
I'm still waiting on your to answer 1 of my questions too. You've avoided question when you don't want to answer. all it proves. Is well, nothing. Just a good old pizzn match that goes nowhere.

What was the question Parris?
BINGO.....The problem is, the old washed up champ has had his bell rung so many times he's starting to act like Ali. :dizzy:

If Tommy's logic is anywhere near as poor as his grammar, his corner should throw in the white towel soon!.....I would hate to see the old fighter lose anymore brain cells! :monkey:

Where ya been Fast, your late,haha
2k, you're a straight shooter, only those who don't know what you mean by your posts would disagree. By nature, I'm as loyal as a dog (go ahead, attack what's mine, or what I agree with, few have enjoyed that experience without wishing they hadn't bothered.) The op's ( and yeah. I'm proud he considers me a friend) wording was extreme, but so is his appreciation of quality (something he stays true to) . Those of us who truly love Stihl will condem that cylinder.

Yup, I try to give my input and really have never had a problem with Stihl and know they make the best, if not the best, one of the best peices of OPE made. Everyone, reguardless of brand has condemed that cylinder. It will take a rep from the QC department at Stihl to settle some of these haters and even then, I think they would carry on and bark like a blue tick at the bottom of a old creepy looking oak with 10 coons in it.
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I got no clue how that thing wound up on a saw and no one else does either. If you go back earlier in the thread I did mention a Mahle that had a major flaw in it, I refused to use it. Brads cylinder for the 22nd time was crappy but unfit for use, will it perform its purpose, no one knows.

So this IS an anomoly and should be treated as such. A warrentee issue that could happen to ANY brand. And a dealer who would do what it takes to rectify the situation. Thankyou THALL. So guys...that is the answer so until there is tangible evidence to the contrary...relax! The end is not near.

Back to anomoly..and I addressed superficially about Hydrogen porosity in Aluminum and the down stream implications back around posting 950 something.

Want to turn this into a thread about casting/founderies/QA and setup? because thats technically the issue here. Not some fundemental shift in Stihl's quality.
You came back with exactly what I expected. No Brad has no legal thing to worry about. As loud as he screamed over that cylinder no one heard a word.
I thought the legal thing sounded as strong as the hollering over the cylinder, I liked it myself, hehe

Honest answer, you got a honest answer, if its not what you wanted to hear thats your problem. Far as the what I said about Husky go look. Its all there.

Yup, you did and it took me a while to read UP (or back) to that response..I posted my reaction and no I'm not entering into the fray with a pride fight with you...I really want to know the deal here. I would hate to think Mahle is changing..their products have been in all the motorsport activities I have participated in for over 40 years....
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I would hate to think Mahle is changing..their products have been in all the motorsport activities I have participated in for over 40 years....

We have no evidence WHATSOEVER that the cylinders in question have come from Mahle.

Any of them.

As a matter of fact, none of the cylinders referenced in this thread had the Mahle name cast into them anywhere. All of them said Stihl.

And we know, from Tommy's earlier post, that Stihl is making their own cylinders in Brazil.

I would submit that Mahle quality is not at issue anywhere in this thread.

So this IS an anomoly and should be treated as such. A warrentee issue that could happen to ANY brand. And a dealer who would do what it takes to rectify the situation. Thankyou THALL. So guys...that is the answer so until there is tangible evidence to the contrary...relax! The end is not near.

Back to anomoly..and I addressed superficially about Hydrogen porosity in Aluminum and the down stream implications back around posting 950 something.

Want to turn this into a thread about casting/founderies/QA and setup? because thats technically the issue here. Not some fundemental shift in Stihl's quality.

Wrong. It is not a warranty issue if there is no complaint about the performance of the saw. If there was a complaint about the performance of the saw and it went in for repair under the warranty timeframe and the cylinder was the pointed out as the culprit, yes it would be a warranty issue and corrected no questions asked. None of that had taken place with the saw. There may be a defect hiding in my Chevy Imapala enigine but if its running fine it can stay in there. If I take it apart on my own looking Chevy will tell me to take a hike, no warranty.

That other stuff your talking about it way over my head and most likely everyone elses, sorry Weime, I just enforce warranties, repairs and sell..
Want to turn this into a thread about casting/founderies/QA and setup? because thats technically the issue here. Not some fundemental shift in Stihl's quality.

I disagree. What the OP has said is that others have been complaining about the same type of quality in Stihl cylinder castings over the past year, and at least one of those has come on here and verified that fact.

While the quality of that cylinder is certainly at issue, I think there are broader issues that this thread is dealing with as well.
