dan henry modified 372xp

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Originally posted by macman101a
by the way we only know Ben from the site but sounds like a good guy so if he wanted to be associated with us i think it would be ok, We dont complain that you have Glens, treeco, and Rocky J Squirelpuller and you guys can go and do all the googoblen you want and we wont say a word brings a hole new meening to sticking a foot in your mouth:D
Who's "we"?  You got a mouse in your pocket?

Wait, there're more questions.  Who "has" me, treeco, and rocky?

I don't even go for modified saws, remember?  Please show me where I've done anything besides being funny or attempted to be a "chainsaw moderator" in this matter.

Ben said:
Glen,Dan either made that gasket or at the least new about it and used it.
If you were merely guessing that situation to be true I might agree with you insofar as him using it anyway, but your accusatory tone makes it sound like you're privy to something and I doubt that's the case.  Dan has categorically denied making that gasket but he hasn't said one way or the other whether he knew about it being there..

macman mumbled:
First of[f] no on stopping thread[;] and second[,] Dan[,] I dont [dislike] you so dont take this wrong[;] if you built the saw like you said you new that it was a 285 and said nothing probably because you wanted to get Marky for the 460[.] O.K the gasket could have been over looked because you can take the saw down with out taking carb off so I give you that one but why not tell him it was a 285 that is the bottom line he Poopdogged firt[??], then Pozzerd[?] second all he wanted was a 2100
Yes, all he wanted was a 2100.&nbsp; What he got, such as it was, <i>still</i> cost him <b><i>nothing</i></b>!&nbsp; This was a <i>gift</i> saw.&nbsp; He wouldn't have been fu<font color="purple">&times;</font>ked no matter <i>how</i> it arrived.&nbsp; Why has that point been so thoroughly dismissed?

Hey Glens, can you moderate how much goo you gobble!! Sorry my typing is not up to your standard, also it says Arborist MVP under your name not moderator!! So when you have your ankles in your hands remember to take everything in moderation!! And as for the free saw it was a POS 285 not a 2100 ! Dan knew that it was a 285 but he still gave it to Marky as a 2100! So in my book that makes as big of a piece of ???? as you!!!!!!! I can port a saw so why dont we have a little mod saw race and your lame ??? can run the saws and lets see who wins!! You would probably cut out twice and loose to your self:eek: Also if you dont like mod saws go to another thread!
Huh? Hey Mac n cheese keep it up. You're funny.

When you do find out who "has" Glen, Treeco and Rocky, tell the rest of us. We're all dying to know :rolleyes:
We should have an auction on who gets them and the high bidder doesnt get them maybe we should send them to Gypo :D and he could have them fall for him and I mean trees you googoblens
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