dan henry modified 372xp

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Hey Dennis maybe you can tell me this. What happens to a hopped up 2100 run at wide open throttle on straight gas? Just wondering.

You still can't prove anything. A court of law would call witnesses who would then testify under oath with regard to perjury. We have none of that here, and you can carve all the gaskets you want, nobody believes you. Good luck. John
Probably turns into a Poopdog 2100 P.S they dont have silverware they eat with their hands:D
by the way we only know Ben from the site but sounds like a good guy so if he wanted to be associated with us i think it would be ok, We dont complain that you have Glens, treeco, and Rocky J Squirelpuller and you guys can go and do all the googoblen you want and we wont say a word brings a hole new meening to sticking a foot in your mouth:D
Deadbeat Losers

Hello deadbeat losers, I have good news and I have bad news.
The good news is I bought a new truck, the bad news is, nothing down, no trade in,1000$/mth till hell freezes over. LOL
We can always borrow money and pay interest, but they can't take your soul. Why should I interupt cash flow by paying it off prematurely? After all, my money may come in handy for whiskey or women or simply just wasteing.
So now that I am a bigshot, I am pondering wether I should even be associating with all you deadbeats?
So anyway, I have been trolling for chicks in my new ride, but haven't found any yet. A new vehicle sure hides the fact that deep down a guy mite really just be a loser. LOL
BB it is not fact. You never saw that 2100. No one ever told me not to send it. The fact that you use a man that is in the Hospital trying to recover from a stroke, says all I need to know. I will tell you another fact, AS has never been the same friendly place since you came here. I wil include you in my prayers along with Ken. Mike
As an afterthought, it makes me wonder what Barky- that big highrollin', big talkin', bragart of a "tough guy", is gonna say about my new purchase.
See ya later lowlifes, I'm off to zip by some sad, "Ford faces". LOL
thats your bosses truck John you cant fool us :D John heres how you get the chicks you cruise by the weight watchers meeting with a giant ham on your tail gate and all the chicks will run you down but dont go to fast you might give one a heart attack:D
AS has never been the same friendly place since you came here.
Mike, I can see why you would say that. Ever since your lap dog Greffard left it had to go down hill for you guys. Then Dennis and Tom show up and blast your friend Art by pointing out some inconsistancies in his posts.
BTW I want to clear one thing up. I have nothing against Art. I enjoyed his posts and wish he where still around.
Lets say for a minute that Dan didnt make that gasket and had no knowledge of it being on that saw. What about his abilities as a builder? From the sounds of things he can make a decent 372 and a decent 346. Although both are lacking in torque from what I hear and at least one 346 was a lemon with another being bested by a Walkerized saw. What about his Dolmar 7900's? One got beat by a stocker. And what about the infamous Efco 999? Thats saw is so slow its obscene. I dont want to here any crap that the 999 doesnt "take well to mods" either.
Then you have the issue of all the lies. Death threats, rs 7900 cylinders, 357 carbs on a 346 etc? I would encourage all you guys to open your eyes.
Re: Deadbeat Losers

Originally posted by Gypo Logger
Hello deadbeat losers, I have good news and I have bad news.
The good news is I bought a new truck, the bad news is, nothing down, no trade in,1000$/mth till hell freezes over. LOL
We can always borrow money and pay interest, but they can't take your soul. Why should I interupt cash flow by paying it off prematurely? After all, my money may come in handy for whiskey or women or simply just wasteing.
So now that I am a bigshot, I am pondering wether I should even be associating with all you deadbeats?
So anyway, I have been trolling for chicks in my new ride, but haven't found any yet. A new vehicle sure hides the fact that deep down a guy mite really just be a loser. LOL


I`m sorry but you know the rules, no discussion of trucks on a tool forum! Now you have to be banned!

Hi Russ, I promise not to talk trucks, but in view of all the pissing matches that are going on, I thought I would deflect and talk of the sexual ramifucations of owning a goat wagon.
Mrby's Birthday?

Originally posted by macman101a
I didnt get one for my birthday maybe Im not on the list :D :D

It does appear it's mrby's birthday again, today. Happy Birthday mrby! Sorry guys, no saws coming your way this time. My son-in-law will get the PP346XP I bought from Eric Copsey for Xmas. I'll send along a Work Shop Manual, Spare Parts Manual, Operators Manual and a copy of "The Fundamentals of General Tree Work" by G.F. Berank with the saw. He and my daughter gave me a Grandbaby, so I'm happy. It's a boy. With all the manuals and The Book he should be able to cut a little firewood and fall a tree without much of a problem. Being he's a motorcycle mechanic he might be able to climb under the hood of that PP346XP and see if it has hand made gaskets or just a set of modded muffler bearings that are making it run so well, eh BB? What do you say bwalker? Should I have him do a tear down on one of my Dolmar PP7900's to see why it fouled a plug when I forgot to throw the the stop switch to the on position when I tried to start it or was it the muffler bearings were misaligned? I have my doubts if Marky would trust my son-in-laws oppinion, he lives in PA., but he is a good mechanic not a "Good ol' Boy", Marky.
Okay here are my thoughts on this most hanus thread.................you reap what you sew.......you know..........that's just how it goes..............do good work people don't think your a jerk................be honest and upfront and peolple will forgive your stumbles...........but if you dont.........your gonna get your balls busted in the AS Royal Rumble................CB
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