tony marks
Addicted to ArboristSite
no offence fellas but i wouldnt want credit for the longest post, if it causes,this much,hard feeling..i believe theres a time to stand u ground an say whats on u mind.. we have here.. but any further ,and it gets to be detrimental to aborist site..for people like me its just been a great source of learning..
for those in the know about saws,, it seems like its a place to add to u knowledge, by multiples..[sp]
aint nothin wrong with a scrap now an then ,long as we dont let it sour us,, on each other..thas how feuds an such start..
so we wus men enuff,, to say our peace, an stand our ground..i
if a man can do that,, he can also be man enuff to work for the greater good,,an just agree to disaggree,without so much hard preachin to myself here a bit too. as im going thru a breakup of life as i knew it.. but i think im getting the hang of it.

for those in the know about saws,, it seems like its a place to add to u knowledge, by multiples..[sp]
aint nothin wrong with a scrap now an then ,long as we dont let it sour us,, on each other..thas how feuds an such start..
so we wus men enuff,, to say our peace, an stand our ground..i
if a man can do that,, he can also be man enuff to work for the greater good,,an just agree to disaggree,without so much hard preachin to myself here a bit too. as im going thru a breakup of life as i knew it.. but i think im getting the hang of it.