DIDIER splitter

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jul 27, 2024
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hello.. tryin to find info on a MF-10E didier.
manual and parts list.
also the ram has a slit cut in to the ram side of the cylinder. near the head nut. it will blow oil out if you keep the valve on for retrect after its full retrected.
it doesnt leak at all till you do that. not like i do that. found it out as i just picked it up. was running it thru its paces to find out issues.

also not sure what the 10E tonage is. iam guessing 10 ton maybe. tho its a big 4 inch diamater cylinder. 2 inch ram
ok update..............
i went and split more wood. yep she is a leaker.
ill have to find a reseal kit. but no luck online so far for a mf-10e. i maybe just put some duct tape around it and say heck with it.
dang tank is spitin out oil also. thru the vent cap.
tho she is splittin wood great.
aaaa lil oil never hurt anything rite lol
ok iam lost here. this is not a normal threaded nut. i guess theres a clip in the slit there to release the nut. ????
anyone have idea or parts break down of this ram ?
its a didier orig. not relabeled.



I've never done one myself, but have seen it on video. I did a quick search to find these - the first one is probably how it's supposed to work, the second one may be how it usually works. I'm sure there are better examples with more searching under locking wire or maybe marrying wire. This should give you the concept though. Good luck.

I've never done one myself, but have seen it on video. I did a quick search to find these - the first one is probably how it's supposed to work, the second one may be how it usually works. I'm sure there are better examples with more searching under locking wire or maybe marrying wire. This should give you the concept though. Good luck.
thank you very much H-R..... grrrrrr doesnt look like it will be fun. as this is a 4 inch. maybe easyer i dont know
but again ty for videos. at least now i understand what the slit is for on the side of cylinder lol

will post on how it goes.
ok got her all apart. now i have to find a kit. oooo the joy.
boy i tell you this 100 buck splitter turning into a lil nitemare
here are the seals out of the cylinder.
it is a 4 in ID bore by 2in OD rod



rod oring in one piece sort of lol

rod whiper whats left of it.
Yeah, but where are the pics and description of struggles with the locking wire? That's all I was interested in. LOL :laughing:
hahahha ... no joke. the wire came out faster then i could pick the cam up. put a small screw driver to catch the wire. turned the big nut and out it came.
truth i was like .. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this will be easy...
NOT ....
the gland gave a lil bit of a fight. as will did the piston. i should of took video of that fun time lol . used one of my lawn mowers as a pull point. pushed it upto the splitter and then used a ratchit strap hooked around the tractor to the push block on the rod. to pull the piston out with the gland. till i hit the knife on the head of the ibeam.
then had to remove the cylinder and strap it down at a angal and pull more till it went pop lol
Take all of the parts to a hydraulic repair place they can probably match everything up
wish i could. stupid me.. it was leaking but i could of put a pan under it. wasnt like real real bad.
where i live there is like no shop. they only deal with big boy farms. iam nothing to them. 3 hours to find a shop near me

i found a local company to get me the seals. remember this is for the locking wire type cylinder.
munsons earth movers in williston VT.
the parts bag didnt have part numbers. nor were they on the sale slip hahhaha ...
very nice to deal with. they had the seals in 2 days.
it is now back up and running. and no issue with the wire lock.

now comes the placement of a filter for the ole girl . but thats next months project.
You don't really need a filter, I ran a Didier for 30 years without one. That's how they were made.
probey so. this one same and the bore looked good. nothing major in the cylinder. if i do add one wont be anytime soon. i will be using this splitter for the shop wood. so if it is used for 10 hours the whole of winter thats a lot lol .