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Most if not all hydro oil today is biodegradable. No worries.
If you ever follow a shovel, processor, or a buncher (even lower hours), you'll find an oil spill, I gurantee it!
If you ever follow a shovel, processor, or a buncher (even lower hours), you'll find an oil spill, I gurantee it!
Ax Men has a new series coming out this year as well. I presume that it will be more of the same though. Yahoos with jury-rigged equipment and faked up competition between teams that have little or nothing to do with each other. And some weird logging tricks that I have never seen done here. Actually all the logging jobs that I have seen done here were all pretty slick (pun intended) with few problems. Trees cut in sections, yarding cables laid out, yarders set up, logs dragged to the decks, stacked, and loaded onto trucks and hauled off to the mills. But that would be too boring for a show like Ax men.
that truck looks like something i might think up, bare minimum just gets the job done, plus im too cheap to do things the right way most of the time.
Although it looked like the chaps they had on were awfully new, possibly they made them wear them so that i looked good for the TV show.
BTW did anyone else think that the way they were cutting the trees down was strange, they left some pretty awful looking stumps in there.
The episode was all about the mules. Getting the trees on the ground didn't seem to interest the producers much until the hang up. The stumps were pretty ugly but they got the job done.
i can only imagine how many sets of shocks and leaf springs they go through in a year. It looked like slapping those big oak logs onto the truck was doing some bad stuff. i liked when they showed some shots of logs with cuts going in every direction from where the felled the tree, they bored in on almost every side of the tree on some of them. I also liked when they just handed the new guy the saw and said cut this tree down.
I guess all of yaw expect these boys to be perfect. The only stump I saw that looked bad was the one the greenhorn cut and I know it looked better than a lot of other folks' first cut.
As for the truck, it has got to be paid for and it doubles as a loader! Looks like to me these boys got it figured out. The only payment I can see in their equipment is feed for them *****. Practically no overhead at all! Who in their right mind would worry about shocks on a log truck anyway. Ever heard the saying "that thing rides like a log truck".