Do you leave that cut tree standing?

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There was a big dead Walnut standing in the pasture across from my home, I have permission to go on the guys property and cut firewwood anytime without asking. So I slipped over there one afternoon and even though I made my cuts by the book it just stood there, I managed to get my saw hung up in it as well. I could'nt just leave it there since it could have fallen on the cattle in the field or even worse a human at one time or another. I tried wedges and every other thing I could think of and it would'nt budge. I finally went and borrowed a 100' cable from the property owner (farmer) and hooked my truck to it and pulled it over, and Luckily my trusty old Husky was'nt damaged. Man, it's an accident waiting to happen if you leave it standing. Do whatever you have to do to get it down, but BE CAREFUL!
I want 8' sections and I can't reach up 8' without chancing the tree going over with me in it. I got away with it when I had the log to stand on but I won't try that again.
If I just had to get it down no problem. I would just cut 4' sections until it fell.

If you think its possible to roll it out and all you have is a comealong, try chaining a 10'+ hickory pole to the butt end and pulling on it with the c.a.long like it is a long peavey. Big time leverage.
Assuming, greg, you are talking about my post, the hard part is done. I don't have pics of the tree as it sits, but after you take 16 or 20' off the base that is what is left.
I can pull it over but don't know how to get the line in the tree. Albeit three hundred tries.:laugh: :laugh:

Use a "Big Shot". It's just that catapult you dreamed of as a kid. Lobs a 10oz weight with a line, and you can "aim it" - Look in Bailey's catalog or online..

I had a big leaner/widowmaker here that The Girlfriend's ex-hubby left along a skid road. 16" dia doug fir at the base (what was left of it), 40+ ft long at a 30 degree angle suspended 6 ft in the air. Seems that he tried doing what you are thinking of, but the tree stayed suspended rather than falling further. I called it the death tree... that tree butt was waiting for a person or ATV to come along and let go. I used the Kubota with a long chain to drag that tree down. If I did not have the road to work from, I would have used a come-along and chain and a 30K lb tow strap wrapped around another tree base.

I have a doug fir leaner on that same road further up. It was 20 ft up and almost horizontal above the road, pinched in a canyon section. Now it has moved down to within 12 feet of the road and is cracking after some rotting at the base. Maybe 18 inch diameter at what is left of the base. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to cut it out. Maybe from the base side I will block cut sections and then use the tractor to chain-drag it down after I have the base side resting on the skid road. The top is leaning in trees too high to get to and too dense and spindely to climb. I could also use the tow strap and just pull the base along the hill and out onto the skid road if there are no stumps to pin it on thst side of the hill. That is sounding better to me now that I am writing this. Cutting rotting leaners on steep hillsides gives me a creepy feeling, and scenes of "Sometimes a Great Notion" come to mind.
I am going up there tommorow to bring it down, I think. I'll bring a 3/4" closed end wrench and some rope. Landscaper style.
If it's aready down and somebodies underneath it, I'll know I had a tresspasser. :jester:
If you have acces to one use a PIKE POLE if you dont have one cut a 10 foot pole and push it over you can push some really big trees this way. The best is prop it against your right hand front pocket use yiur body and get a timed rocking motion even if you cant get it pushed completley over you can usualy get your saw out .The last resort drop a tree from behind on the top of the stuck one. These are not recommended safe methods .

Day light comes early in the spruce swamp
Talk the talk but didn't take the walk. I need a longer rope and one of those sling shot things. Anybody got any rope out there?:laugh: ;)




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