Do you work with a bunch of drunks?

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I am zero tolerance with my crew out of personal choice. The fact that it is an OHS requirement is just extra ammo. I take safety very seriously and have spent thousands of dollars making my guys as safe as they can be in this hazardous industry. If any of them are stupid enough to turn up drunk or stoned they catch a cab home. If I ever caught anyone drinking or lighting up (never have) they would need an ambulance home. No way is anyone going to put me, my boys, my clients or the general public in danger.

Rant over. :cheers:

100% agreed , Dopeheads and drunks are worthless on the job. If someone has a ocasional drink or two on the weekend thats fine. As far as pot smokers I dont know any who do it only ocassionaly so I guess Id say no!
I have worked with some and they were lazy a heck if they were smoking.I guess if someone does it at home and is sober at work , I can see it could not affect their work but with all the test they do at the er or in a wreck, company truck, its not worth it, if they want a job they can clean up!
No, but if your avatar is actually a picture of you then I'm drinking nothing but scotch from now on! :cheers:

Actually I am aware that fluoride is amongst the most reactive chemicals going. If you have more information I am sure some of us would love to read what you have to say. :rock:

Do a quick search on "uses for fluoride". Check into the history of fluoride, other uses of fluoride. Industrial byproduct used in many toxic poison products, etc.

You may want to have scotch that is from a natural water source with out any additives. You may look at public water a little different, along with the cast-iron piping with great solder holding them together. Allot of bottled water is just filtered public water (watch for misleading advertisements).

Just another reason we moved and now have well water. Give our kids a better chance than we had. Pisses me off that they recommend a fluoride pill to children with out giving all the facts of fluoride first to parents.

Friend was prescribed fluoride tabs for his children (well water household), son developed migraines and behaved out of sorts. Did some research, stopped consumption of the fluoride supplements. Health and behavior improved.

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I have to ask if the company's workmans comp paid for it? The cut to his head?
Maybe 40 years ago my climber called me in the early morning and said he was "hungover". I said come in and drag brush and keep your hands off the saws.

We started work and I went out to get gas. I get a call from the gm and he says the climber is on his way to the hospital with a cut from the 041 in the face. I get there and his head is taped up like the invisible man. I am sitting behind the door when his sister comes in and says "I can't believe you worked today I am still f'd up from (acid) we dropped and it is noon now". She didn't know I was sitting behind the door.

He had about a hundred stitches in his face and cut his eye lid in half and could see out of his eye with his eye closed and it didn't hit is eyeball.

Hungover with drugs or alcohol is just usually a lesser state of intoxicated to an addict.

Oh, and anybody ever met an "occasional user" of pot? I haven't and I am way older than most of you all and I have been around stoners my whole life until I sobered up 20 years ago. Somebody offers to light up a dube and everyone's in no matter what the plan for abstinence was for that day.
pdqdl , I went through the same thing. Sure paying more might get you better help but if your in an area as I am you wont make it long paying 25 bucks an hour. Really good help is hard to find nowdays. Climbers around my area are near worthless dope heads and most of the ones who arent are way too lazy to work WITH me. Ive hired plenty, they know how to do anything until its time to put-up . Clowns think because they climbed a tree as a kid they can do it. Well maybe they can but its gona take years of training. Its hard , you need team players and the crews who have them know how lucky they are. We hired a girl a couple of weeks ago to be our office person . Interviewed her pretty good asking what we thought were all the right questions. She led us to believe she had the experience we needed. Tried talking to her about what she was doing wrong and she keeps interupting. Even as she picked up here things she was still doing it.
Some clown calls this evening and asked " You the guy I talked to about work?" Come-on clowns if you need a job an introduction helps a little. A hello maybe? As I have said in the past, some are getting ready to be paid what they are worth instead of what they think they're worth. Work is slowing down here , builders are scared silly . Some fat will be trimmed. Good luck pdqdl , tickled pink I aint facing this problem anymore.
I have to ask if the company's workmans comp paid for it? The cut to his head?

Yes it paid for everything. Doubtful he was tested for drugs. Happened about 1973. Would have paid for plastic surgery as a follow up but he liked the scar and decided to pass on it. He was a great kid, worked for me for years after that and we were personal friends. He just made a bad choice that night into the next day and paid for it.

I post these kind of things that they might benefit others.
I dont think working on pot is dangerous, at least not for some people. I have worked a lot of jobs stoned to the bone, gettin stuff done, safely at that. I will thin over an acre with just a saw in about 6 hours, this includes felling limbing and bucking (usually into firewood). That being said I Prefer to work sober because at the end of the day i will be completely drained if i was smoking.

Another thing to consider though, All the times i have been stoned while working, i was working for myself. If i was working for somone else who had a no tolerence policy, i wouldnt even think about smoking on the job, or before work. If i got popped with a UA...well thats why i dont have those types of jobs, i dont like to be on another mans leash.
Thanks for the support, beowulf343. The ignorant jerk BarkBuster20 negative repped me for this thread, too. Let's not worry about negative repping him into oblivion. He has to live with himself, that's probably punishment enough.

Barkbuster: just keep on stoning your life away. I suspect that you need to be stoned so that you need not confront the grim reality you have turned your life into. It works that way with drunks, too. I suspect you like to mix your booze with your drugs for maximum effect too, eh?
Thanks for the support, beowulf343. The ignorant jerk BarkBuster20 negative repped me for this thread, too. Let's not worry about negative repping him into oblivion. He has to live with himself, that's probably punishment enough.

Barkbuster: just keep on stoning your life away. I suspect that you need to be stoned so that you need not confront the grim reality you have turned your life into. It works that way with drunks, too. I suspect you like to mix your booze with your drugs for maximum effect too, eh?

give me all the negative rep you think i deserve. I negative repped you for the ignorant blanket statements you made about marijuana. I can run a saw very proficiently while stoned, trust me i have spent thousands of hours doing so. I have never had a saw or work related accident, i have also never wore chaps. Does this mean i am promoting unsafe working conduct because i dont wear protective gear? (aside from safety glasses, ear plugs, and hard hat)

I am perfectly happy with my life, things are going well for me i have a great girlfriend of 2 years, i cut firewood and thin trees for a main source of income, i dont drink or use any drugs aside from "pot". Oh and i got some great saws too, and a lot of other toys.
give me all the negative rep you think i deserve. I negative repped you for the ignorant blanket statements you made about marijuana. I can run a saw very proficiently while stoned, trust me i have spent thousands of hours doing so. I have never had a saw or work related accident, i have also never wore chaps. Does this mean i am promoting unsafe working conduct because i dont wear protective gear? (aside from safety glasses, ear plugs, and hard hat)

I am perfectly happy with my life, things are going well for me i have a great girlfriend of 2 years, i cut firewood and thin trees for a main source of income, i dont drink or use any drugs aside from "pot". Oh and i got some great saws too, and a lot of other toys.

Good post , and well deserving of some green rep
give me all the negative rep you think i deserve. I negative repped you for the ignorant blanket statements you made about marijuana. I can run a saw very proficiently while stoned, trust me i have spent thousands of hours doing so. I have never had a saw or work related accident, i have also never wore chaps. Does this mean i am promoting unsafe working conduct because i dont wear protective gear? (aside from safety glasses, ear plugs, and hard hat)

I am perfectly happy with my life, things are going well for me i have a great girlfriend of 2 years, i cut firewood and thin trees for a main source of income, i dont drink or use any drugs aside from "pot". Oh and i got some great saws too, and a lot of other toys.

Negative rep is pointless. Never done it, don't plan on it just for you, either.

If I disapprove of your comments, I will tell you in an open forum that lets everybody see what I have to say. I don't go sneaking in, interjecting discord and insult where no one else can see it. I consider that to be cowardly. I see from the personal messages on your public profile that you are in the habit of red-repping folks. Try to remember that you will reap what you sow.

If you want to defend your actions, take the time to quote my "ignorant blanket statements" and point out my errors. Then I will methodically rip your ill-informed and biased comments to shreds. Until that happens, your comments are like passing gas in a public area. They smell for a while, but they don't have any lasting effect.

Got a girl friend for a whole two years, eh? That's not setting any records, but I wish you well. If she is worth keeping, marry her. If not, you are wasting her time, as well as your own.

I don't keep score on who has the most toys. I'll never have all that I want, and what you have does not make me discontent with what toys I have.

"These are the four that are never content: that have never been filled since the dew began-
Jacala's mouth, and the glut of the kite, and the hands of the ape, and the eyes of Man."
— Rudyard Kipling (The Jungle Books)
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