View attachment 479565
If u notice something though everyone including myself think there opinion is The Ten Commandments!!! Lol!! Nothin but a pissing match
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YEEEH gads, here I thought I had been blatant enough to be taken as being tongue-and-cheek. Apparently I was NOT successful.
I was NOT trying to get into a pissing match with
And for what it might add, I did not have any free time during the day to respond to all the reply's, so unfortunately I could not correct my mistake fast enough not to look like and even bigger butthead.
Michael if u want an opinion on someone who cuts daily Kenjax( Chris) is the one who would know. He likes the pricepoint of a 421 and I like the performance of a 241c
Cool, and thank you for pointing this out
OP: As for the Poulan saw thing, lighten up, I was just teasing you based on a picture you used to show the size of trees, not the "how many" you can cut in a day/3weeks. I know you fellers down there in MS are hard workers.

You've been beating us in football for several yrs running!
Thus, I am not in a pissin match! Sorry if it bothered someone.
**Sigh**.... I was trying to be light hearted..... I mean did I truly make you feel like I was sincere when I said:
and people must like talking with me more

I was hoping that, the previous sentence would then add it's tone to
Could the wally world Poulan have held up to doing that from 7am until 5:30 pm for three weeks straight? .....

But like I said, I fail at conveying, that I it was my intention for those sentences to be read AS light hearted. And right on about not being in a pissing match, I honestly did not intend to make you feel that I was headed in that direction.
NOW, on to topics of more substance, or at least pertaining to saws.
You seem to think (and preach) that all ported saws are improvements over stock. Its not a myth and in many cases (that I have seen) porting most definitely can lower saw dependability and greatly reduce longevity. I have also run ported saws that were complete turds. I have seen ported saws lock up and fail rapidly.
As 7 pointed out, there are many levels of porting. What you are referring to here is muffler modification and exhaust and intake port modification. That may increase breathing of the 2-stroke and improve performance, or it may not. They can be done right, within the capacity of the saw to function properly, and they can also be done wrong when things are taken too far and produce a useless saw. After muffler and port mods, there are cut squish and pop up mods that are intended to raise compression. That is where the real power from porting comes from. However, doing that (using the standard method of removing material from the base of the jug or removing the gasket) will change port timing, and that leads to all kinds of issues if you do not do other modifications to compensate. You can make a turd really fast by screwing up mechanical timing. You can also push the compression too high, and put way too much stress on the bearings and rod, leading to premature (or even rapid) failure. I have seen saw crews send saws out to be "woods" ported, and over the long haul, they failed a lot faster than their stock counterpart saws.
Bottom line, it is a fine line to get a saw right when being ported, and the herd of turds out there that have also been ported. I think it is a myth that saws will turn into magic machines if they are ported, and that people here all need to get their saws ported to run with the "big boys". I would rather have a stock MS290 in the hands of a pro faller than a ported MM 562xp in the hands of a novice. Who would fall more trees and stay out of trouble?
I felt that this was a nice point to take into consideration, that I had yet to see expressed, or at least expressed in such a summarized yet detailed manner.
Go to each dealer and put each saw in some wood. Your decision would be a lot easier then having us confuse you with brand loyalty or projecting our wish list on you. You may find you base your decision solely on which dealer treats you better. And seems to care about you as a customer.
So are you suggesting that a dealer will allow a saw off the sales floor to be taken out back and tried out? I mean I know car dealerships allow test drives, but they have a whole section/division for washing the mud off the 4x4 you went mudding in..... I had honestly never thought to as a saw shop to do this.... if going out back of the shop and cutting some with a saw off the sales floor IS what you are suggesting, is this a common practice? Have you ever seen a shop that would not allow this?