Done with bad fuel !

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Nearly all organic compounds have a shelf life. If you will not use up the item prior to the end of it's shelf life then just do not buy more than you can use and do not whine about the effects when you do. Folks cannot seem to take responsibility for their own mistakes.
Anyone should realize by now that E10 used for small engine usage must be stored in air tight containers & used with a month unless a form of fuel condition is utilized . I never store E10 or E0 for more than 3-4 months . You repair enough small engine units & you see the downside of improper fuel storage & usage .
Carb components , gasketing etc are made of much better ethanol resistant materials . Back in the day pressed papper & rubber were utilized . When ethanol was 1st introduced fuel lines & inlet needle valve & seats were disintegrating . Not sure the mechanical components or class of fit have proven to last . Seems life cycles of today's saws has actually decreased ! However within the realm of this thread and quality of gas & saw & its effects , improvements have been realized.
I have a big Homelite I bought in 1977 that I have done a ton of work with. I have changed the pull rope, spark plug, and filters, put in a new gas line. It runs strong like the day I bought it. I do put PRIG in my gas for storage.
Bio diesel is a step backwards within quality in numerous ways .
That is something I cannot disagree with. It has issues that are much harder to deal with than the ethanol issues. No new technology comes without issues but in the case of soy diesel it has a lot :)
That is something I cannot disagree with. It has issues that are much harder to deal with than the ethanol issues. No new technology comes without issues but in the case of soy diesel it has a lot :)
I have noticed an increase in consumption on my equipment, just isn't as good.
I have noticed an increase in consumption on my equipment, just isn't as good.

I've certainly seen more problems with it between algae and asphaltenes plugging filters and it's tendency to gel, but I can't say I've seen any difference in fuel consumption in any of my machines.
But to be fair the station I use sells B5. I know other areas are much higher.
Those are the engines that can run E85? Have you ever tried running it? All reports I've seen are not favorable. I've never owned a vehicle that is rated to run it.
Believe it or not, I've not seen one pump in North East Ohio that sells E85. I'm sure they are out there and I just haven't seen them but they aren't in my travels anywhere, and I live in a Ag heavy county.
Yeah, but I'd never put that garbage in the tank. There's only one place I know of that sells it, "conveniently" located on the MA Turnpike, where you have to pay tolls to fill up, and drive 30 miles out of your way, since it's a limited-access highway. That's the genius of MA government for ya - they're expert thieves!

Owned the truck going on 16 years now, never once used it. It's bad enough on E10! I get 14 MPG downhill with a tailwind around here, and that jumps to 16 on E0. I got 19 MPG on I-80 headed to CA in '13 on E0, cruise set at 94 MPH according to GPS, with a '84 Honda XL350R in the back, along with tools, gas cans, my wife, and the cab packed with camping gear. Best I've ever got!

One of the joys of a Flex engine is the crap computer algorithm it uses to "calculate" ethanol content. It's USELESS. I have to keep my scan tool in the truck, and reset it EVERY time I get gas! Whenever I check it after filling up, it's thinking I've got a tank full of 17% ethanol, and my mileage gets even worse! I've seen it as high as 24% one time. I've had customers with similar trucks up to '12 that throw rich codes due to that - it'll get up to 80% and just start DUMPING fuel in the combustion chamber. GM sucks! :mad:
I am sure they did but that is in the past and we must operate in today's world. We may not like it but whining about it while being to lazy to deal with it get a guy no where. You are in the fine state of Massachusetts the majority of the folks voting in past elections put the dipstickss in office that enacted the laws that you are whining about. Do something about are hurting for certain... so get the medicine.
Short of armed conflict, or getting EVERY person to stop paying taxes, there is NO fixing this. This state is too far gone. I didn't vote for ANY of these ****-heads in charge. Neither did ANYONE I know, and I know plenty of people. I theorize elections have been rigged here for over 5 decades, and now this disease is being passed on to the feds. I know how to fix the problem, but who's going first?

And who the hell are you calling lazy? I drive 2 friggin hours north one-way with a 55 gallon drum to grab E0, and I unload with a 2-wheeler when I get home. I'm 5'4" and 175 lbs.. When full this thing outweighs me by plenty. LAZY! Lolol! And I have every right to "whine". I vote, and pay taxes!
There's ways to comply with that, without shoddy engineering, or low-bidder junk chinese, vietnamese, or mexican garbage parts. It's not just them, though - this is an industry-wide issue. The days of running a vehicle 200K plus miles without going into the engine for MAJOR work are gone. And if that don't make you give up, the thousands of interior gremlins will.

Nothing forces a trade-in faster than 150° air mixing with your A/C on a 100° summer day! 🤣
Smitty... I'm with ya on the dumb s**t alcohol percentage things! My 09 Silverado started dumping fuel in as I noticed my fuel gauge drop driving only 5 miles to work! Smelled it too, but never threw a rich code ever.

My mechanic, who is a friggin genius at almost everything, reset it to 0 and disabled the software for that parameter. Truck never over fuels anymore. I still can use E10% but nothing more or never E85. Worth it to me as I get better millage with it and AFM both turned off running E0. WINNING!

With that, I will say I only get fuel local at a top tier rated gas station. E0 at 87% octane. Have not had any problems so far and hope to keep it that way. I will mention these 2 stations have tons of traffic through them, so the fuel doesn't set around in the tanks for long and I do know they change out there filters often.
Yeah, that's the plan for me as well. I've got a mountain of parts for this thing sitting in a closet here - Magnuson supercharger, Truck Norris cam, AFM delete with new lifters and pushrods, new oil pump and a few other things. Ran out of money and need to rebuilt the engine before juicing the power output up 50% - she's got 121k on her, and things ain't built like they used to be, so I've got to rebuild, unfortunately. My plan was to have ALL the idiotic systems tuned out of this thing once it's finished. 👍

Wish we could just pull to a pump for E0 here, but we've got gigantic group of A-holes running this state.
I have a 1929 Kohler 4 cylinder automatic start generator for my solar system at my remote cottage.The owners manual tells you every thing from rebuilding the engine to every step of testing the electric components also the IPL has prices for parts.About five years ago my better half was going state side I asked her to bring me back a can of non oxygenated gas from Minnesota I put the gas in the generator and the fuel pump started to leak in the manual you could buy any fuel pump part now you can not even buy the culprit the diaphram I had a spare from a parts machine but it started to leak after a couple hours I asked the Queen what pump she got it from she replied the cheap one now I knew ethanol was the problem I bought two Fawcet electric pumps one lasted for 200 gallons the other 10 gallons.I had one spare pump left but the diaphram was as hard as boot leather.My good friend mr brake fluid came to the rescue again and 50 gallons later all is well.I have lots of different generators but that little Kohler 1A21 is the crown jewel set a glass of beer on the valve cover and not a ripple.