Drug Testing

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Coke's another story. It eats the mind. [/B][/QUOTE]

please tell me the story ..is it the acid involved in the making???
I don't think Reed meant a generalization that weed makes people mean or grouchy.

It can cause mild paranoia, hunger, and sleepyness - combine those 2 and a brother may get grouchy, even mean. Chill - puff puff pass, don't mess up the rythm.;)
Originally posted by Nathan Wreyford
I don't think Reed meant a generalization that weed makes people mean or grouchy.

I know he wasn't talking about a generalization. I just mean, in 35 years I've NEVER meet someone that reacted that way. I've meet a couple that felt a 'lil paranoid or nervous, but that's about it.

A ganja overdose usually results in an attack on the 'fridge, and then some z's. I'm pretty sure terrorists aren't big on burning leaf.

I think if what a person does on their own time is their deal. If it affects thier work then it's a problem. BB
Lots of interesting responses here to question. Seems to me like the guys who own the company and equipment have zero tolerance and the guys that work for companies have a less strict policy. When I was younger did not matter and did some crazy things that probably would not attempt straight. Now that I pay the bills there is a different outlook. Personal belief is drug and alcohol use may start as minor but will get worse as time goes by and tolerance builds. No place for either on worksite. I would not want to risk my life in a tree to someone on ground that was not 100%. I am refering to illegal drugs not medically necessary. Although some over the counter cold medicine can make you fuzzy too. City of Richmond has drug test to start then random for CDL drivers only. NY had similiar policy. Suspected users could be taken at any time CDL or not. Finding supervisor to step up and make accusation is another problem.
Yeah, I didn't mean it makes you mean, but with a nasty disposition to start with I've seen some real losers get meaner.

Same with beer. Same with the evening news.

Yeah Master, he was a very impressive fellow.
But why are they using drugs, were they neglected or abused as children?? Shouldn't we dig a little deeper and help solve the worlds problems? He!! no!

Sorry Nick, no written policy. I deal with actions that affect my work, not what someone was doing on the weekend or in their car on their way home. Come to work acting stupid, forgetting things, wandering around, showing up late, getting tired too quickly, takeing excessive breaks, etc... those are real problems that can be solved, and addressed, and if those real actions that bug me are not corrected then you are out on your butt. I really don't care what caused them to act that way, it is the actions that need to be adressed, root causes such as drug abuse are way too far above my head and I'd never fire someone for that. I would fire someone based on their actions, and if they want to blame those actions on a drug or poor parenting I could care less I deal with results, not excuses.

--One day I may get to be a bigger company that may require testing due to BBB and insurance commitments, but until those silly requirements are forced on me I'll continue to manage by the numbers.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
I'm pretty sure terrorists aren't big on burning leaf.

But some of the best leaf comes from Afgahnistan. Sprechen Sie Sativa amigo?

Turkish hash is not bad either (so I was told;) )

Remember what our President said, if you smoke that stuff, YOU support terrorism. LMAO - That was rich.

I think the important thing is that employees can pass a drug test when the know well in advance. Then it is more of a stupidity test.

If you can't pass a UA when you know in advance, then you have deeper issues than substance abuse.

I had an employer in Texas ask me to UA before starting as a foreman. I laughed and he asked why. I said I spent 4 days last week in Amsterdam(2nd hand :rolleyes: ). He respected that and just said, so UA next month then? No problemo.

BTW, to get insurance as a climber here, you must have a medical exam every 2 years. Part of that exam is a UA.
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Eric, was the groundie who hooked up the chipper also the driver?
not to defend him at all, but if he wasn't the driver of the rig he can hardly be accountable for what happens to it on the road with someone else behind the wheel.
What I mean is; the driver is responsible for checking and securing his own load, the driver should have checked to see that it was hooked up properly and not relied on anybody else and assume it was done proprely.
If he was the driver, maybe it's good that thats all that happened, a chipper coming loose could have done much worse
Top, in most cases I'd agree.

But when the groundie is sent out of the truck specifically to guide the truck back and hook up the chipper, it's pretty much a no-brainer, doncha think?
There must be a perceived benefit in testing. What is it. I know a lot of people who can drink or toke responsibly and be good to go in the morning, but there must be a target group that cannot. I have the feeling that there would not be too much responsible objection to testing if you left weed out. What say?

Legalize, and be done with it. You would still have to UA, but the social/legal stigma would be eliminated. The cut-off level would be raised so off-duty tokers wouldn't show up. But on-duty ones would show up, then.
Buying a body flush or whatever down here is known as studying for your test.

One guy once, proudly proclaimed he wouldn't get any answers wrong and started rattling off the chemical equation for cocaine and left...
Yes eric, Id agree, a no brainer if he was directed to back a driver in and hook it up. I only mentioned it because being my own driver, Ive made habit of physically checking trailer connections before going on the road with my own eyes. No matter who hooked me up and no matter how easy it is, i get out walk back and look everytime. It only takes 3 seconds of my time, and Im 100% confident that all is as it should be. I would feel like a moron if I were in a wreck because someone told me I was good to go and I neglected to check. As far as "studying" for the tests; most testing facilities now test for the masking agents contained those flushing drinks and etc. If you pull a positive for those agents it is the same as pissing a dirty UA- you fail. I know one fellow who did just that, when he got a copy of UA with all the results(after he had been fired), their were no illegal substances which showed up, however there were high levels of masking/flushing chemicals which cost him his job. The only way to pass a UA is to actually pee clean. if you think you can cover it or hide by drinking some magic batch potion you are sorely mistaken.
Actually, 8 to 10 thousand mg of vitamin c taken 4 to 6 hours, and repeated again 2 hours before testing will mask any thc in the urine. It will also increase the appearance of any chemicals in the body. Speed, Cocaine, that sorta thing.

Don't tell anyone I told you.


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